We all know how challenging life is sometimes.

Being a uni student it is bad enough being broke all the time, always hungry and always study waiting to be done. Sometimes the supreme being of the universe loves to squeeze a little lemon juice on that already painful cut. However, how we deal with it defines who we are.

Some people choose to suck up the pain and brave it out when deep down inside it REALLY hurts.

Some like like to clean the wound and use a bit of antiseptic to kill the germs.

While others just cover it over with a sticking  plaster and pretend there is nothing there.

Either way Lemons are sour and they sting!


So semester 2 begun today! I am back at Grafton sucking up the spirit!


It is the time when you are reunited with all your friends and two main questions are continuously popping up…..

1. How was your Holiday?

     2. How were your exams???

The first question can be dealt with quite easily but for some the second question can pull a few strings.

For one of my close friends that very second question is no doubt the crumbling point!

Imagine This….

You have spent every day of the semester with your head inside the course book. You have attended your lectures religiously. You have put ALL your study effort into this very course. You know the context like the back of your hand. You have your mind set on this pathway. You have A+ in all your other subjects. You have basically taught your other class mates the course and then come the exam you see all the other people you have helped Pass while you receive the heartbreaking email informing you to Resit the course.

This is the CUT THROAT nature of Law!

For my friend this felt like rock bottom! Just when you think if you work really hard you will get results and the find out that you don’t you start to question life itself. It makes you think is it even worth trying to begin with? Thankfully Auckland University is aware of these situations so have many support services on place to help you get back on track. So off we head to Aunty Mere and Aunty Jonaan in the clock tower!

auntt mere and jonaan

These two beautiful ladies just so happen to be the key to success at University. I meet them at a University of Auckland year 13 Maori student trip called Whaia Te Pae Tawhiti. Ever since they have been my go to whenever I need help, course advice, am feeling down or just need someone to talk to!

Just when my friend thought he was beyond the point of recovery Jonaan sheds some well needed light on the situation! Lets face it Law entry is HARD, therefore not everyone always makes it in the first time…. However, those who persist after failing and repeat the course can surprisingly be the ones who succeed better in the long run! 

After Jonaan had finished inspiring us she directed us to the Arts Tuakana office (Maori and pacific support service) to get on track with organising our conjoint requirements.

After the Arts center I am directed off to a good friend of mine who works in the commerce student service center to help recommend and enroll us in our papers!

In Conclusion..

My point is that University is hard but Auckland uni are here to make it easier.

You can brave out that stinging lemon juice or you can look for help! Just so happens that if you look in the right places people can clean the wound, disinfect it, find a plaster and keep an eye out for you in the healing process.

You are never alone!