They say home is where the heart is. I can’t help but agree as I think about all that I’ve done these past few weeks of break.
- Blueberry Picking
My mom took my twin sister and I blueberry picking and it was honestly the highlight of my day. I loved spending time together, just the three of us, underneath the blue sky and bright sun. We turned it into a competition to see who could collect the most blueberries and whenever my sister had her guard down, I’d try to steal her blueberries to gain a lead (I still ended up losing though!). When we got home, my mom used all the blueberries we collected to make a delicious jam!

All my blueberries
- TopGolf
My friends and I went TopGolfing and boy, was that an experience. All of us suck so bad at golf so it was entertaining to watch each other maneuver our way through the game. The night ended with us driving back home, singing off-key to the music blaring from the car speakers. It reminded me of the countless nights, during our senior year of high school, that we spent together doing the same thing. Got them feels.
- Lake Placid
In the second week of vacation, my family and I took a trip up to Lake Placid in New York. It was incredibly refreshing to surround myself with nature and forget about the rest of the world for a little bit. The little village besides the lake was so quaint, with tiny boutiques and restaurants that we frequented during our time there.
Our last day there, we went on a hike and during it, I felt a sudden urge to leave a mark. Something to remind myself, and others, that I was once there. So I carved my initials into a boulder.
- New York City
During my last weekend in America, I made my way back to New York but with my friends this time! In this one day, we walked 10+ miles and tried to explore as much of the city as we could. We didn’t have a plan or any idea where we wanted to go. Nah, we didn’t have time to be responsible.
Instead, we just let the City guide us. We picked a direction and walked in it and if a building caught our eye along the way, we stopped and explored. Granted we did use Google Maps in extreme cases, when we didn’t want to risk getting lost.
I loved every second of it though. We tried so many different foods!
I needed this break so much! I didn’t realize quite how desperately until I sat down to write this post. As I typed up the summaries of each event, and added their corresponding pictures, I caught myself smiling wistfully.
Sometimes, I forget to remind myself that I don’t need to always stress and to slow down and enjoy the sweet, simple moments, just as I did for the past four weeks. I’m going to have to keep this in mind now, especially because in a couple days, I’m going back to the routine that is Uni life.
New Zealand, here I come.
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” -John Lubbock