This is my last. ever. blog. I wanted to tell you guys three things today so let’s get right into it?

But before we do…let’s take a moment to appreciate this sunset room view from O’Rorke



Apply to be part of the Science Scholars Programme next year. Science Scholars is a programme for UoA students studying any Bachelor of Science. You can apply as a school-leaver (Year 13s!), or as a current undergraduate science student (first-years!). The application takes time – but I’m telling you it’s so worth it (and not just for the free tee-shirt & cookies every week). Applications close on 8th of December. You can find out how to apply here.

But basically, every semester, on top of your usual papers towards your degree, you take a SCISCHOL paper. I nearly didn’t apply because I thought I wouldn’t be able to handle another paper on top of biomed and all…but there’s no “work” as such to do, except for a creative project at the end and you can do whatever you like. It’s a great way to expand your horizons outside your degree.



Apply to be an Inside Word blogger next year! Around the end of the year, a post will come up on the main Inside Word blog about recruiting new bloggers for the following year. The application involves creating a blog about whatever you like which you need to submit by the deadline, usually early next year. It’s not even about the money (yes, we get paid 😉 ) but I have genuinely enjoyed writing / filming / creating content for you guys. It’s been a no doubt stressful year and blogging in between of all it has been super enjoyable! It’s also an opportunity to become *lowkey* famous (emphasis on the lowkey).



You may remember me mentioning it before, but all the first year hall of residences have an academic mentoring programme for the common courses like law, biomed/healthsci, engineering, commerce, arts etc. It’s basically where second year and above students come to your hall of residence for one hour every week to mentor and assist us clueless first years, and provide us with academic support with our papers. But the surprise is….




That means if you are studying biomedical science, health science, nursing or other science majors (like pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, food science or nutrition), AND you are going to stay at University Hall next year, I will be one of YOUR mentors! Hope to see some of y’all next year 🙂

The year has gone by so fast…It seems like just the other day we were all moving into O’Rorke and putting up our room decorations…and now we’re all packing up our things and moving out ☹ Although my year isn’t truly over just yet. While all my major exams are over, I still have my general education paper exam left (I’m doing economics – ECON151G) and an interview (for those applying for MbChb, BOptom & BPharm) to go.

This may be my last blog buuut I will still gladly answer any questions or comments for a while so hit me up below!

Goodbye Everyone!!!! :'(

– Emotional blogger