However, the sooner this year ends, the closer university is for Year 13’s. So I messaged some of my Year 13 friends from Napier and asked for any questions or concerns they may have!! I grabbed my friend Sam,who is doing a Global Studies and Arts conjoint, to help me in answering these so you have two different opinions and experiences.

1 – How difficult is the transition from High School to University?
Amy – Academically I thought the transition would be quite extreme because it is made out to be that way, but in reality it isn’t bad at all. The work does get a little bit harder and you can’t just wing it like at high school but once you understand what is required of you, things get easier. I have found that even in subjects like Law and Sociology, which aren’t offered at high school, some lectures are on topics that have been covered so everything isn’t brand new and you can use previous knowledge. If you don’t have any previous knowledge, it’s fine because the lecturer covers everything you need to know. Socially, you just need to put yourself out there, everyone is in the same position and are just as desperate to make friends as you are! Plus, if you live in a hall, you are automatically at an advantage.

2 – How much spare time do you have?
Amy – Spare time is definitely a result of how much work you are putting in and what degree you are doing. I find that I have a decent amount of spare time. You are told University is a full time job and you should be spending 40 hours a week on it. To be honest, I definitely haven’t been doing that and it hasn’t been an issue. You just need to know when to put in the extra effort and when you can relax a lil bit. I would say I probably have more spare time than I did at High School simply because I’m not stuck at uni from 9-3. Plus during the day I procrastinate a lot so I have to do my work at night so it’s hard to tell.
Sam – I wouldn’t say it’s a question of how much spare time I have, maybe more of a question of how much time I choose to not fill with study or uni related activities. This varies from week to week, depending on what my workload is, and what social events are going on. I would estimate probably about two hours each day is spent either with friends or by myself. But that definitely fluctuates, especially during exams where it falls down to zero spare time (also zero sleep or sanity).

3 – How much money would you spend each week?
Amy – I have always been a person that has struggled with the whole concept of saving money. This is reflective in the amount I spend each week. I would say around $50 which pretty much just goes on food (Uber Eats is a blessing and a curse), and alcohol. But some people spend way more or barely anything, just depends on what kind of person you are and your level of self-control.
Sam – I would say I spend roughly $150 on average per week, however I don’t like to think about it too much hahaha

4 – Is it easy to make friends?
Amy – Making friends was definitely my biggest concern. Going into a hall of residence where you are surrounded by others who are also keen to make friends makes it a whole lot easier. During O’Week there are so many activities with the intention of helping you make friends so don’t avoid them because you think they will be lame, this is a prime opportunity to make those connections which I was lucky enough to have done and now I have the best group of people! I would also say it is hard to make friends in lectures because everyone is so focused and you don’t really hang around chatting. Tutorials are kind of the same, I sat with the same people every week yet I don’t know their names.
Sam– I wouldn’t say it’s easy, but engaging with people and taking part in everything you can is an excellent start to meeting people. I managed to make an amazing group of friends and being in a hall played a huge part in that. Just remember that everyone is in the same boat as you and are probably just as nervous about everything as you are.

5 – How many classes do you have a week?
Amy – I have two law papers which have three lectures a week and a tutorial for each paper once a fortnight. My sociology and politics papers have 2 lectures a week and a tutorial for each, once a week. I also have a law clinic once a fortnight (I haven’t actually been to one yet so I don’t actually know I do in it)
Sam – I have 12 classes a week – four tutorials and eight lectures
