Hey everyone, I’m Aishani; your average welly girl turned jafa. 2022 is going to be a wild ride, so why not follow my journey as I navigate my way through second year biomedical science?! University isn’t all that it seems, and I can’t wait to share my experiences in the hope that they will offer insight into what being a UoA student is all about 🙂
Kia ora, I’m Tomoki and I’m in my second year studying for a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Gender Studies and Communication. Outside of uni, I’m an actor and I love vlogging my time working in theatre – so I thought, why not vlog my time at uni? Hope you enjoy my content!
Hiya, Amy here! I am a first-year Commerce student and University Hall Towers resident! Whether it be going to classes, binge-spending at munchy mart, or chilling at my halls, I am always around campus! So come along with me as I vlog and blog my way through this exciting new year!
Heyo! I’m Andrew – a first-year student studying a conjoint BC in Communication and Technology and BSc in Computer Science! A little about me: I love digital design and animation, and my favourite foods are bread and boba (usually not together, though). I also overuse the “–“ punctuation mark in ways that Grammarly probably doesn’t approve of. And – for better or worse – I like telling fun stories with fun tangents!
Hey there! My name’s Sophia, a second year Mechatronics Engineering and first year Design conjoint student at the University of Auckland. Since moving from Canada to Aotearoa last year, I’ve been exploring ways of combining my technical and creative interests through my studies here and I can’t wait to share my experiences with you!
Hello! My name is Isabelle and I’m a second year Bachelor of Science student majoring in Psychology and Biology. I’m super stoked to be giving you the raw truth and all my wisdom about life at UoA!
Hi, I’m Leticia. There are 8 billion people in the world and I think it´s incredible that we can harness the Internet to connect with them, share our experiences, and make an impact on their lives. I’ve lived on 3 continents, and adapted to different cultures. That’s taught me to keep an open mind, to get involved and to make the most of what´s around me.