by The Inside Word | Jul 19, 2016 | Inside Word 2016
My first semester of university is done and dusted, with results officially released a few days ago. I was pleasantly surprised with my results, considering I didn’t really know what study techniques worked for me and wasn’t sure how harsh the university marking was...
by The Inside Word | Jul 19, 2016 | Inside Word 2016
‘Take a deep breath,’ Maria instructed firmly. I tried to focus. ‘Now place your hands to heart centre… and set your intentions.’ I was at the last yoga session of the inter-semester break. Semester II was to start the very next day and it came with a sense of...
by The Inside Word | Jul 19, 2016 | Inside Word 2016
‘There!’ I looked at my room, satisfied. It looked angelic now. I caught sight of my alarm clock. ‘Sheesh!’ I screamed in my head. I had promised to pick my friend up at 3.45pm – and that was just five minutes away. Thoughts occupied me as I hurried down the streets....
by The Inside Word | Jul 19, 2016 | Inside Word 2016
First semester is done and dusted and I have survived unscathed (mostly). I found the engineering exams quite challenging but came away with results I was happy with, despite the classic post exam freak out- “I’ve failed!”. Needless to say I did not...
by The Inside Word | Jul 19, 2016 | Inside Word 2016
Officially arrived back from Sydney and ready to take my second semester of university by storm! While I was away I noticed Sydney was actually a popular spot for lots of uni students to get some much needed R&R – whether that be through retail, food, or partying....
by The Inside Word | Jul 19, 2016 | Inside Word 2016
It’s the week before university starts again! Eeek! I’ve had a lovely break, but it’s gone all too fast. To get myself ready for next semester, I thought I’d do a course review of my papers from last semester to get a bit of closure. So… here it is. I do hope you find...
by The Inside Word | Jul 19, 2016 | Inside Word 2016
It is holiday time where everyone is expected to travel home to their family and enjoy a nice relaxing STRESS FREE break! Whether you chose to watch movies in bed for three weeks, finish all six seasons of Game of Thrones from beginning to end or actually leave the...
by The Inside Word | Jul 19, 2016 | Inside Word 2016
Whoa, its been a while but whats happening y’all….. Third week into the holidays and yes life is so good. Actually I just got back from spending time with family in Tauranga. But most importantly I’ve been free from study and work 24 hours a day...
by The Inside Word | Jul 19, 2016 | Inside Word 2016
Hey everyone, yes it’s me again haha! If you’re wondering what the title of my blog could possibly be about then, strap yourselves in, as I attempt to somewhat try to justify myself. So over the past couple of years, ever since I was about 16 rather, my parents, mates...
by The Inside Word | Jul 19, 2016 | Inside Word 2016
Hey everyone! First off sorry I haven’t posted in quite a while I’ve just arrived back from overseas! So, what have I been upto? Well since my last blog exams are over, and results are in *sighs*, in a nutshell I passed, but there’s always room for improvement...