3 Weeks To Go

Training has been heating up as Hawaii gets closer and closer. We now do two night paddles a week on Mondays and Wednesdays and also our longer paddle every Saturday morning. All of us are also trying to hit the gym as much as possible between lectures in order to get...

Inter Residential Rivalry

Well its week 4 of Semester two and boy has time flied! I back in Business (literally because I changed degrees) and ready to pump out another semester but what better way to do it than a bit of friendly competition?! That’s right Inter Residential sports is...

Things not going to plan

 Whoa it’s already the end of the third week of uni. Man time goes so fast, anyway semester 2 I’m finding so far  apart from my two 8 o clock classes a week is a lot more chilled compared to semester one. Firstly because we don’t have weekly...

Admiration is in the Air

What an exciting time last week was! Two important traditions loomed large in Uni Hall: the annual ball and Secret Admirers week. The ball was fun. That’s all I have to say about it, really. Some people got up to tricks; everyone looked smashing; a few of the songs...

Choosing a home and the anticipated UMAT

It’s the 2nd of August?! How??????? I am unsure as to how 7 months have passed in this absolutely crazy year but here we are. Yesterday the applications for student residential accommodation at UOA  opened so I presume that is on your mind (unless you are past...

1st Sem – From Poplhlth to Chem.

Hey Team, So this was supposed to be an audio blog but because of the technical difficulties involved last time I decided to move back to good old pen and paper or more accurately back to the trusty keyboard (I’m sure you can appreciate that Willy C.) This blog is...


Hey Everybody, This is an audio blog reviewing 2 of my first semester papers in the Biomedical Science First Year course. These papers are BIOSCI 107 and BIOSCI 101. If you still want to know more here’s the link to the official description on the UoA...

Thinking Like Michelle Obama

It’s no secret that I idolize Michelle Obama. She went to Princeton, graduated from Harvard, joined the law firm Sidley & Austin where she met Barack and later went on to marry him. It didn’t just end there, she then made him the president of the United States – a...