by Sophie Burns | Jul 29, 2019 | Inside Word 2018
I’ll be honest, I started writing this blog post in the mid-semester break of semester one, had a crisis as I couldn’t really get my point across, and then stopped. So here we are again, with a clearer mind and hopefully a more coherent post! So, we’re once again a...
by Sophie Burns | May 21, 2019 | Accommodation, Campus Life, Inside Word 2019
Hello everyone! I was feeling artsy and decided to make a video about my hall of residence whilst I drew a rough sketch of it. I am not the best artist by any means, but drawing often helps me feel calmer when I am getting stressed. Have a lovely week,...
by Sophie Burns | Apr 26, 2019 | Inside Word 2018
A question often asked by students, particularly in their second year is, when is it a good time to get a part-time job? Will there ever be a good time to work a part-time job on top of study? I must admit I have thought long and hard about the potential impacts that...
by Sophie Burns | Apr 16, 2019 | Accommodation, Auckland Life, Inside Word 2018, Inside Word 2019
Welcome back! I struggle to believe that we are already six weeks back into uni! Time has once again, flown… As my flatmate, Eva, and I were sitting on the sofa in our flat in Carlaw Park Student Village last night, we spent a fair bit of time reflecting on the...
by Sophie Burns | Mar 4, 2019 | Inside Word 2018
Going into second year at university at a self-catered hall of residence has opened a whole new world for me. Cooking. Despite having pretty much free reign of my parent’s kitchen at home, it was rare for me to volunteer to cook dinner (as bad as this is, I know!). I...
by Sophie Burns | Mar 4, 2019 | Accommodation, Auckland Life, Campus Life
Hi! I wrote for the Inside Word last year and my goodness, it’s great to be back! I am going into my second year here at UoA and initially, I had some mixed feelings about being back; a few of my closest friends either transferred elsewhere or left uni completely,...
by Sophie Burns | Nov 23, 2018 | Inside Word 2018
I can’t lie, I’ve held off from writing this final blog post for quite some time for a few reasons, the main one being that it rather symbolically marks the end of an era. I remember that very first Monday morning at university, everyone was just settling into hall...
by Sophie Burns | Sep 4, 2018 | Accommodation, Auckland Life, Campus Life, Inside Word 2018
School teachers often promote uni to such a degree that it is almost as if there is nothing better that we could do with our lives, straight out of high school. I am writing this blog, because as much as I genuinely love and enjoy being at university, there are...
by Sophie Burns | Aug 8, 2018 | Accommodation, Auckland Life, Inside Word 2018
Before I came to university in February I had a fair few preconceived ideas as to what life as a uni student living in Auckland would be like. In some respects, I was spot on right, but in others, I was quite unprepared. So! Here are a few of my thoughts on what uni...
by Sophie Burns | Jul 24, 2018 | Auckland Life, Inside Word 2018
For most of us, the move to university entails moving to a region and with it, comes moving away from the family and people that we have known and loved for years. As I have previously mentioned, this is new, it’s exciting, it’s inspiring. In fact, many of us actively...