Accommodation Blogs
In The Deep End!
Hellooo, welcome to my first blog on the inside word! My name is Imogen, I am a first-year biomedder, proud O'Rorkian (O'Rorke two clap!) and a self-proclaimed (if you ask anyone on my floor, they'd agree) volleyball addict. In my short time here, I have already...
Should you stay in halls? (+ Waiparūrū Hall Tour 2021!). Vlog
Hey there! If you are a school leaver and wondering if staying in halls is even worth it, I’ve got your back! I was very much in your position last year, deciding if I should apply to halls, considering I was already staying in Auckland at that time. I was weighing...
Halls, Online Learning, and COVID?
Well, it’s that time of the year. Just as I was moving out of Waiparuru Hall last week, I was seeing new faces and the residential team giving tours to families and maybe future residents. I started thinking about how I’d first approached all the decisions to be...
That’s a wrap of 2020. Vlog
Hey all, hope everyone is doing well! This is my last vlog for 2020, it has been such an awesome and crazy year. I have made so many friends and learnt so much. I hope that if you are reading this and have seen my videos, they have inspired you to come to UOA....
UOA Hall Ball 2020. Vlog
Hey all, I hope you have all been doing well. My hall (Waiparūrū hall) has just had their first-ever ball and it was combined with University Hall Towers. It was so much fun and such a good experience. Living in halls this year has been so awesome and allowed me...
Starting Uni 101 – Q&A. Vlog
Hey all, I hope you have been doing well. Today I thought I would make a Q&A video with some current first years for you to get an understanding of what uni is like. In this video, we also made some very delicious banana chocolate chip muffins! As always if you...
A Tour of Carlaw Park Student Village. Vlog
Carlaw Park is a non-catered hall for students who are not school leavers. Unlike Unihall (the hall I stayed last year), food is not provided. Although I covered most of the points in this video, here are some facts that may be useful. Apartments usually consist of...
Day in the life of an online uni student. Vlog
Hi guys, I hope you are all doing well and keeping safe. I remember back to when I was in high school, I wanted to understand a bit about what uni life was like. So today I have made a video of what online uni is currently like for me. I hope you enjoy the video...
Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting Uni
Hi there, I’m Leticia, and I’m a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts student majoring in politics and English. The inter-semester break has been a good time to reflect on the things I’ve learned about uni and how to be better prepared for semester 2 and the...
Move in day – Waipārūrū Hall. Vlog
This vlog is of me moving from Christchurch to Auckland to start my degree. It shows me moving into the new Waipārūrū hall and me getting settled in a new city.
First week in Hong Kong!
So, its 2:00pm right now and I’m sitting in my room with a bowl of half-finished oatmeal by my side listening to the typhoon rage outside my window. Not exactly the picture of exchange I had in mind. It’s been about a week into my time in Hong Kong, I thought I’d...
My expectations for 360 Abroad Exchange
Hello Hello! As mentioned in my mini vlog series about 360 Exchange, I’m heading off to The University of Hong Kong for exchange in Semester Two! I currently have around 2 weeks left (at the time of writing 🤪) in New Zealand, which means I’ve been stuck at home,...
First v Second
Looking back on first year, only positives come to my mind. Whether I have blocked out the bad memories of the stress of trying to get into law, late night assignments or homesickness or the fun of living within a few metres of all my friends in a new city as a...
reasons why YOU need to come to open day
As an anxious student in my final year with a few options for the upcoming year, I found looking at images of facilities and brief description on course outlines not so convincing for my decision making. That's when open days come in handy. Personally, I was...
Homeless in the most expensive city in the world
Helloooo! Welcome to the last installment of my 'intro to exchange' videos (click here for the previous one), this one has a small bit of ranting in it (as at the time of filming the I was probably still going through the stages of grief 😂). As mentioned in the...