Accommodation Blogs
What to take to university?
So the open day for first-year halls at Auckland uni is coming up fast, and it can be super daunting trying to decide where you want to live. Whether you are an Aucklander looking to move out of your parent's house, or an out of towner trying to decide where to...
Flat-mares, it’s like nightmares but unfortunately, you don’t wake up from them. Choosing who you want to live with in second year and beyond could be make or break for your friendship and your happiness. If you go flatting you can choose everyone, but beware that...
What I’ve learned in my first semester of Uni 🤷♀️🎱☕
So, time for a life update: morning classes suck, kale smoothies are a great pick-me-up, hall food is actually pretty good and flatmates are awesome. University is definitely easier than high school for anyone wondering. I didn't actually believe that it was true...
10 things to bring to your flat.
To celebrate my 10th post of 2019 🙌, I thought I’d list 10 things that I don’t think I could function without in Carlaw. Hopefully some of these will surprise you! Clothes rack: I’ve had a clothes rack ever since my days in O’Rorke and I haven’t looked back since....
Favourites, University of Auckland edition!
Hello Hello! A bit of a light hearted post today, I’ll be sharing with you all my ‘favourite’ things, UoA edition! Favourite study spot: I’d like to say picnicking at Albert Park because that would be a great pun to start off this post. Unfortunately, my actual...
Carlaw Park Student Village
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkzbKhqmfr8&feature=youtu.be Hello everyone! I was feeling artsy and decided to make a video about my hall of residence whilst I drew a rough sketch of it. I am not the best artist by any means, but drawing often helps me feel...
Adulting is hard
Watch me trying to be an actual adult as I navigate my way through the city-livin', uni-studyin' life. And yes, you will most definitely catch me watching the Game of Thrones finale next week instead of studying for my two upcoming tests, seminar and essay 😉
Practising what I Preach
Currently, I am sitting in my bed writing this on my laptop, I am the Primary Duty RA so I am holding the phone for when someone locks themselves out during that 3am bathroom trip. All the health experts would probably tell you what I am doing right now is wrong as...
An Aucklander in Halls?
Hey guys! So there has been a request for a room/flat tour, but I’m a fan of minimalism (and by minimalism, I mean the only decoration I have is a giant calendar, and even that isn't very exciting), instead, I thought I would talk a bit about why I chose to stay in...
What’s in our pantry?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VdQY76FESo Welcome back! I struggle to believe that we are already six weeks back into uni! Time has once again, flown... As my flatmate, Eva, and I were sitting on the sofa in our flat in Carlaw Park Student Village last night, we...
The Great Return
“You lot are always on holidays”, “do you even get any work done”, “just wait till you are in the real world”. All statements I have heard my whole life from unfortunate souls who are in full-time employment whilst I’m living the ‘best days of my life’ in the...
Move in Day at UHA: Tips and Tricks
Moving into the halls of residence can be super stressful, especially if you are moving far away from home into a new city. For me, there was less stress involved because I’m technically only moving an hour away from home, and so far I haven’t been super...
Our first week ever at UoA / O’week 2019
Hi guys, Alex and Bethany here! Please enjoy our first vlog ever and our very first experience here at...
Phase 2
Hi! I wrote for the Inside Word last year and my goodness, it’s great to be back! I am going into my second year here at UoA and initially, I had some mixed feelings about being back; a few of my closest friends either transferred elsewhere or left uni completely,...
Cue the Tears
I’ve never been that person who embraces the idea of change. I know it is inevitable, yet I actively try and avoid it. The reason I try and avoid it is because I fear the incredible times and experiences I have had will never be topped. The biggest...