Accommodation Blogs
Sem 2 and Looking to 2nd Yr
Hey guys! It's currently semester 2 (man, they weren't kidding when they said uni goes by fast) and I can't believe I've possibly just finished 1/6 of my degree!!! I thought I might mix up things, and talk about the great stuff we have uni (which has nothing to do...
Facing Reality
For many entering university for the first time, you arrive at the age of 17, 18, 19ish. You come in with many preconceptions about university, from all sources. Some of these are correct, while others are not quite accurate. Today’s blog is gonna tackle a few of...
Home and Away
The end of semester break has just been and gone and over the time that I was back at home in the rural Taranaki, I came to a few realisations. After moving from England in 2012, I went to a very small, all-girls school in a rural town called Stratford in Taranaki....
Whitaker Hall – Hall Tour Series Part 1
https://youtu.be/l3dKE9EHVo4 Hiya guys! As promised, let me introduce you guys to my pet project for the next few weeks: The Hall Tour Series! As the name implies, I will be visiting all of the first year halls of residences, filming and editing my own (amateurish)...
End of Act One
My first semester at the University of Auckland has come to a close. A lot of things have happened in that time, most of which were good, and all of them presented opportunities for growth. The end of this semester has given me a brilliant opportunity to reflect...
UHA – The Best of Both Worlds
Hey Guys! It's me again! Soon, it'll be halls applications, which I know can be a pretty scary time. I think they open in August and close in September! (Protip: Register as soon as you can! Try not to leave it to the last minute, and even apply to make sure you...
Today was a good day
I woke up today at my semi-regular time of 2 p.m., just after lunch was served at O’Rorke. But I’m not hungry, and I don’t feel like I’ve wasted much of my day. I wake up to clear blue skies and the chirping of birds outside my window. It’s exam season, so there’s...
The Power of Humanity
It’s been a rough few weeks. Test upon test, assignment upon assignment. A pale face, unwashed hair and a permanent set of panda eyes was my new everyday look. Putting it lightly, the word happy wasn’t a word I was expecting to use for a while. …Though,...
urban vs rural
It may be obvious to some how different Auckland city is compared to the rest of New Zealand. But for me, I could never have imagined some of the differences I have experienced. The small rural town that I grew up in, called Kaikohe did not have much. With a...
Time Out
Living with your friends and being able to constantly go to their rooms to hang out is one the of the greatest things about University. You realize very quickly who ‘your people’ are and all of their quirky traits and annoying habits. However, when you...
Making a Space Home
When I first arrived in Auckland in February I took MANY photos of all the things that I brought with me, convinced that I would write an informative blog about how organised I was. I recently went back to the folder on my laptop where these photos were stored and...
Hi’s and Lo’s
Hey! It's me again! I hope you've had an incredible term break (dam I'm jealous), and are slowly going through all those internals and externals! Currently, I'm personally experiencing some highs and lows (but definitely more of the highs :)), which I thought would...
Bored? I Don’t Think So
Uni is more than just lectures, tests, then eventually getting a degree and graduating. There’s a whole lot more in between that involves socialising, experiences and an overall good time. The “halls experience” at UoA is unique as you are living in the centre of...
Is it Worth it? Uni Hall Edition
Moving from Napier up to Auckland I really had no choice other than living in a hall of residence. For those of you who have no choice or are trying to decide whether it is worth the cost of living in a first year hall, I have compiled what I find to have been the...
Staying in Halls (O’RORKE!)
As I write this week’s blog, it is currently inter-semester break (already!) and I have been home in good ol’ New Plymouth for almost a week! Although it has been so nice to be home to spend some much needed time with family and friends, this week has given me some...