Accommodation Blogs
This is my last. ever. blog. I wanted to tell you guys three things today so let’s get right into it? FIRST THING Apply to be part of the Science Scholars Programme next year. Science Scholars is a programme for UoA students studying any Bachelor of Science....
Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of a university student looks like? Today I’ll give you a glimpse into my life as first-year student. This is the real-life version: anyone who knows me knows I am never (always) late, occasionally (habitually) disorganised, and loves (detests) early mornings 😉
Answering the big question, why?
In this I answer the many 'why' questions in regards to why I chose to do things and end up in this position. I hope to use this in order to help anyone looking to study and live in Auckland in future. So why? Why Auckland? Why Law, Politics and French? Why...
What have I found the most challenging about adapting to university life, general tips for those hoping to take Biomed or Health science next year, what I have found awesome about university, how do I manage my time well....
Life in the Halls (O’Rorke Style)
In case you didn't already know, I live at O'Rorke Hall, one of Auckland University's first-year hall of residences (applications for school-leavers are OPEN! Apply here). PS. The balloons will be explained later in...
Living in a hall
I always imagined that living in a hall would be like how the movies were. I thought making friends would be instantaneous and everyone would be super social and friendly. Obviously, I was being very idealistic. The reality is hall life isn't always easy.
I give you the rundown on how Studylink works, my thoughts on having a part-time job while at Uni, and tell you a little about how first week of the new semester went down.
3 Ways Uni Is Not Like High School
You're nearly made it to the end of your high school years so before you get here, I'd like to share with you: Three ways University is not like High School. How do you meet new people? How on earth do you manage all this extra time? How hard is it to get an E in NCEA vs an A+ at Uni?
Recovered. Reenergised. Ready!
Following from my last blog Relocate. Relax. Recalibrate I can report that SEMESTER TWO has begun!!! Strange. Feels so weird to think that we are already so far through the year but there are exciting times ahead. Reflecting on my holiday I can say that it was a...
Are you thinking of applying for a first-year scholarship at the University of Auckland? Unsure whether you should sit an NCEA Scholarship Exam? Tips, motivation, my story & all the inside word about Scholarships.
Mocktails, exam prep and an old doggo named Pepper
As you can probably tell by all the post we are reaching that very fun time of year, EXAM SEASON!!! In the week leading up to exams I am housesitting my Aunty and Uncle's place while they are away overseas, taking care of a very lovable old doggo named Pepper. The...
Getting turnt to lessons learnt
Cheesy heading - I know - but it’s officially the last day of lectures for my first Semester of University, and ya girl is shook! What an absolute roller coaster the past few months have been! So I thought before I move into the heat of exams, and progress into a...
Puppies (& other important things.)
I talk about puppies & other important things like Science Scholars and UMAT.
May: The month of Kindness
Forgive the cringe worthy title but in all the busyness and stress that Uni has brought back into my life after only two weeks of being back, I wanted to celebrate a particular point of my accommodation life. The coolest thing about living in a university halls of...
(List)en Up!
Let me preface this by saying, these tricks are just things that work for ME. They are, by no means, the ONLY way to do things in University to succeed. But hopefully, having some insight into how a peer manages their things will give you inspiration to do...