Settling Into University: My Experience After A 2-Year Break From School
Hey there! My post today covers my experience transitioning into Uni life and also how it is transitioning back to studies after not being in school for 2 years. Stay tuned as I share my experience and some tips that might be helpful for you in your transition into...
Burnout and stress at uni
It’s that time of the semester again. Currently, classes have ended for the semester. It’s a relief to finally be done – but there are still exams looming in the not-too-far future, and lab reports are still due. For me, this semester has been one that has...
Keep Cool, Calm, and Creative with Tim
Read about Tim's life as a music and communications student, and why you should consider following your creative dreams!
A Night at the Orchestra
Tim tells the story of his time at the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and why you should get amongst the arts and culture while at university in Auckland.
Up, down, and around: learnings from the first year
Some little things I’ve picked up over my first year in a Computer Science / Communication conjoint. It's not quite wise philosophical life advice, but it's advice nonetheless.
The End of This Chapter
I've just finished my degree! Final assignment is submitted!!! Now, it's time to reflect.
Managing Assignments
A guide on writing HUGE essays without getting too stressed.
The other side at the Open Day
Last weekend, at Open Day, I stood at the Bachelor of Communication stall and got to talk to a bunch of you! Let's see what that's like, with a lot of photos along the way.
Preparing For The Future
University is a place we go to to get some help for our future. We want to become advertising specialists, lawyers, doctors, journalists, teachers – all those people we aspire to be. Everyone thinks uni is about assignments which take forever to get done and...
What You Can Do At University
When we apply for uni, we all have that image that we’re going to be learning things we really care about from environmental sciences, business management, media and communication, law, etc. But since starting uni, I’ve learnt there is so much more we can do rather...
Looking to the Future
I’m more than half-way through my degree now and one thing is for certain; employment is around the corner. I know I want to work for a masters degree in media and communication, but once that’s over, I want to work within the world of advertising and marketing and...
How to Make a Stressful Period Stress-Free
Just before exam season, students face one of the most stressful parts of the semester; however, I have a secret on how to have a stress-free stressful period. Yes, you heard me right; there’s a secret on how to make the most stressful time of the semester...
Support available for dyslexia and other learning disabilities at UoA. Vlog
Hey everyone, Here is a video I have been planning on creating for a while for you. My main purpose is to encourage anyone who needs extra support to not feel ashamed and to go and apply for it. The thing with being at university is if you want help, you need to...
Top 5 tips for starting university! Vlog
Hey guys, So it's October which means it may not be too long till you start studying at The University of Auckland. I remember this was a time full of nerves and excitement. I have compiled the top 5 things I wish I knew when starting uni in the video below for...
Okay, this needs to be discussed. Self-doubt. That little demon that comes into every student’s head. No one talks about it, and I’m going to change that right now. My self-doubt is tied to the pressure to succeed, because I always feel like there is a lot of...