Cue the Tears
I’ve never been that person who embraces the idea of change. I know it is inevitable, yet I actively try and avoid it. The reason I try and avoid it is because I fear the incredible times and experiences I have had will never be topped. The biggest...
Student course review:Fact or Fiction?
Hi everyone! This last half of the semester has gone by super fast, and I can't believe it's a month of uni, and then first year will be all over! I thought I might give you a rundown of the courses I'm taking this semester, which could be helpful for all you...
General Education!!
If you are a curious high school student wanting to go to the University of Auckland you probably have seen somewhere along your search the term general education. Some programmes require one Gen Ed paper, others require two. These are papers that you take outside...
Semester Two Course Review
I’ve just hit the point in the semester where everything seems to be due at once, and trust me, it is not fun. Four essays in two weeks has definitely not been a highlight of the semester for me. But with these four essays, I’ve found it to be a perfect time to...
Swap & Change
It's the mid-semester break, which means we are already halfway through Semester Two (😬). That is a mildly terrifying fact, as there are only six more weeks of teaching before exams… semesters really go fast - so much faster than a term at high school. I'm down in...
Course planning 101
The experience of course planning will be completely different depending on what degree you intend to take. So on one end of the spectrum you have the biomed/health sci (I am yet to figure out the difference between these two) and engineering end. That’s when the...
Q and A
We are now into semester two of our first year of University and it honestly blows my mind how fast this year has gone. I thought high school went pretty fast but that was nothing compared to this year. As much as I love the idea of being free from doing work, the...
Back We Go
One week down, just eleven more to go til the year is over! 😱 A new semester means new classes. This semester I'm taking another four classes: French 204, Stats 108, Business 102 and Economics 151. The latter three are compulsory 'core' classes for a BCom. Stats...
One Semester Down
It was about this time last year, when I was Year 13 at High School, that I began to think about how I couldn’t wait to leave. I felt like I had outgrown school and was ready for University. Trust me there is nothing wrong with feeling like this. A lot of year 13’s...
Pressure, Nerves and the Fun of Exams
Going to University is all fun and games until you hit the point in the semester where things actually start to matter. That point is called exams and trust me I cannot wait to see the back of them. At High School, I was never one to stress or feel nervous for...
The Pointy End
Ah, Week 12. By the end of this week, semester one's coursework will be officially over! My accounting course actually finishes up on Tuesday so I'll get a lie in Wednesday and Thursday - hurrah! However, I can't celebrate too soon; there's still exams to be sat....
The 6 Week Course Review
It has currently been one whole week since I left Uni Hall for the holidays, which means it has been one whole week since I have left what I feel is a new life #newcitynewme #newyearnewme. This separation has allowed me to reflect on the past 6 weeks and the reason...
Could this be YOU?
Hello Hello! Short time no see 🤗 It's currently the holidays and like most others, I spent some quality time with my family, met up with friends and caught up on sleep and....zzzz...zz...and you're falling asleep right now 😴 Don't leave just yet! I really didn't...
The Easter Exodus
^ Got stuck in a tiny bit of traffic getting out of Auckland on Good Friday... (it went all the way down to the SH2 turn-off - and then some) -- Hurrah! Five weeks of classes down and now its Mid-Semester Break - two weeks of absolutely nothing. Oh wait. I have two...