Dedication to Organisation
One week and 3 tests are what stands between me and 2 weeks of freedom. Freedom from multiple chapters to read a night, the 8am wake ups for politics lectures and the guilt of watching Netflix when I should be studying. In order to make it through this...
Facing and Conquering Homesickness
Uni is a big deal in more ways than one. Having to cultivate a new group of friends, get used to how large the lecture theatres are, and ultimately, adapt to a brand-new academic environment. For many of us, it’s not necessarily just a new city but also a whole new...
Answering the big question, why?
In this I answer the many 'why' questions in regards to why I chose to do things and end up in this position. I hope to use this in order to help anyone looking to study and live in Auckland in future. So why? Why Auckland? Why Law, Politics and French? Why...
Anything can happen.
Recently I have found myself really not myself. I have been on and off sick for a while and now my body just seems to have hit by a train. These last couple of weeks have been interesting though as some unexpected things have happened like I THINK I'M SWITCHING...
First Glance, Second Semester
A run-down on how Tate feels about what she's studying this semester.
Recovered. Reenergised. Ready!
Following from my last blog Relocate. Relax. Recalibrate I can report that SEMESTER TWO has begun!!! Strange. Feels so weird to think that we are already so far through the year but there are exciting times ahead. Reflecting on my holiday I can say that it was a...
Tate gives you the rundown on the three arts papers she took this semester: Classics 110, European 100, and Art History 109.
Study Tips from the 18th Century!
https://youtu.be/p6zMgh-nto8 Study tips from some of the greatest composers that ever lived dating back to the 18th Century................are they relevant to today watch the vlog and see what you think. Shout out to my extensive facial hair.... the result of...
Clubbing Uni Style
https://youtu.be/EXFa5a_x_jo University an opportunity to broaden your education and your horizons. This week on the vlog I look at four unique clubs that the university has to offer. If you find any of these clubs intriguing and want to get involved I highly...
Waiting on Mid Semester like…
"Woah! We're half way there, wooooahhh..." Almost Mid Semester (kinda works). Yes, I can take comfort in the classic Living on a Prayer as I watch my calender quickly near Mid Semester break. Bit sad that I am already counting down the days but I am keen for a...