Auckland Life

The Dog Days

For most of us, the move to university entails moving to a region and with it, comes moving away from the family and people that we have known and loved for years. As I have previously mentioned, this is new, it’s exciting, it’s inspiring. In fact, many of us...

One Semester Down

It was about this time last year, when I was Year 13 at High School, that I began to think about how I couldn’t wait to leave. I felt like I had outgrown school and was ready for University. Trust me there is nothing wrong with feeling like this. A lot of year 13’s...

The Pointy End

Ah, Week 12. By the end of this week, semester one's coursework will be officially over! My accounting course actually finishes up on Tuesday so I'll get a lie in Wednesday and Thursday - hurrah! However, I can't celebrate too soon; there's still exams to be sat....