Jump from first to second year: part 2
Hello Hello Hello! Welcome back to the second part of the ‘jump from first to second year’ if you haven’t read the first part, I recommend you check it out here because everything would make more...
Jump from first to second year
Hello hello! It’s ‘9:33 pm Cecilia’ here, doing some editing! I wrote the majority of this blog at 9:30 in the morning after getting 6 hours of sleep, so it’s safe to say my mood has improved considerably from this morning (that endorphin hit from getting a bit of...
The Final Weeks
Getting this email yesterday was slightly nerves inducing. With classes yet to end and exams yet to start, the thought of having to get ready to move out was definitely towards the back of the mind. Now it's an almost pleasant distraction from the revision I should...
Conjoint Degrees: Yay or Nay Part 3.
https://youtu.be/bUu6V7ibRxc Ladies and gentleman! I present, the third and final part of this super short conjoint series! Personally, I really love my conjoint degree. Both maths/science and accounting (the only business-y course I did in high school) has always...
Conjoint degrees: Yay or Nay Part 2.
https://youtu.be/i5240eYCArY Hi guys, As promised, here is the second part of the video, the pros and cons of doing a conjoint. These were some of the personal pros and cons that I considered, some weighing more heavily on my mind than others. Of course, pros and...
Conjoint degrees: Yay or Nay?
https://youtu.be/XekTg5x5kts What is up guys! I'm back again with another cringe cringe (but hopefully helpful 🤞) vlog 😅, this time talking about conjoint degrees. I remember at the start of the year it was a personal struggle deciding whether to do a conjoint or...
Fight or Flight
Hey guys…remember me? No? </3 Well, that’s okay we can get reacquainted today! 😊 Sorry for the inactivity, I’ve been a little busy lately and as I understand, so have you? With mocks coming up and exams looming, now may be be the time you’re feeling at your...
Decisions! Choosing a specialisation/major.
It’s that time of the year again! No, not Christmas 🎄, but the time of decisions (woop) 🙌! For Year 9s to 12s, it might be choosing what subjects to take next year, Year 13s, the more important choice of what to study in University. For us first year students...
Swap & Change
It's the mid-semester break, which means we are already halfway through Semester Two (😬). That is a mildly terrifying fact, as there are only six more weeks of teaching before exams… semesters really go fast - so much faster than a term at high school. I'm down in...
Course planning 101
The experience of course planning will be completely different depending on what degree you intend to take. So on one end of the spectrum you have the biomed/health sci (I am yet to figure out the difference between these two) and engineering end. That’s when the...
Back We Go
One week down, just eleven more to go til the year is over! 😱 A new semester means new classes. This semester I'm taking another four classes: French 204, Stats 108, Business 102 and Economics 151. The latter three are compulsory 'core' classes for a BCom. Stats...
Why Auckland?
Until moving to Auckland, the largest town I'd lived in had 15,000 people, the smallest… well, it was barely a village. Ever since I was little, I've dreamed of living in 'the city' so now and then when walking the streets I'll think "whoa, I'm actually here". I...
What even is study?
As my exam results have rolled in I begin to reminisce on all the things I did right and wrong. The study tips I saw on Facebook that I tried to use that just did not work for me and the strategies I developed myself that helped a lot. I have found that a study...
The ‘T’ word.
Little bit of inspo about time management, overcoming challenges, and just trying your best!
Exam Season Support
In some ways, exam period has felt rather anticlimactic, I think that's mostly down to luck with my timetable, but I haven't felt overly stressed (this time at least). I'm now on break as Thursday evening was my last exam (yes there are night-time exams - it's...