Today was a good day
I woke up today at my semi-regular time of 2 p.m., just after lunch was served at O’Rorke. But I’m not hungry, and I don’t feel like I’ve wasted much of my day. I wake up to clear blue skies and the chirping of birds outside my window. It’s exam season, so there’s...
The Pointy End
Ah, Week 12. By the end of this week, semester one's coursework will be officially over! My accounting course actually finishes up on Tuesday so I'll get a lie in Wednesday and Thursday - hurrah! However, I can't celebrate too soon; there's still exams to be sat....
Could this be YOU? Part 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aK34gXw3QI Hellloooo there! 1SE is back! Hope you enjoyed that little snippet of what I got up to. I know it featured quite a lot of food shots but hey, I reckon that's a pretty good representation of my life 🤫😅. As promised, here...
Study Spots on Campus
Just like that, the holidays are over. And with two tests coming up this week, there's no time to ease my way back into it. The only option is to dive in and start swimming. I actually had quite a good first day back, my french lecture got cancelled so all of a...
Surviving the unknown world of Uni
It has been 5 long weeks of one of the biggest changes in my life. Learning to manage a workload I never experienced at high school as well as being completely immersed in adult life. I am currently sitting in a bus, going home for the mid-semester break. I am...
The Easter Exodus
^ Got stuck in a tiny bit of traffic getting out of Auckland on Good Friday... (it went all the way down to the SH2 turn-off - and then some) -- Hurrah! Five weeks of classes down and now its Mid-Semester Break - two weeks of absolutely nothing. Oh wait. I have two...
Test? Test… TEST!
https://youtu.be/wIskyV5yDb8 asfgdfjhdlkjghdjkvh. If you can’t tell by the title. I had a test this week. 😭 I had one last week too, but let’s just say they ended … very differently… 😭 But, more about that later. I’m going to take a stab in the dark here and assume...
Lessons & Lanterns
It's now week 4 of classes, and things are starting to get busier! The first few weeks were by no means void of work, with things like weekly quizzes and readings, but now we've actually learned some content, the first wave of assignments is starting to arrive. A...
More than just Math and Physics
https://youtu.be/ErnO6w4nj04 Hey Guys! I realize this vlog is kind of a mess and I moved and flew around the screen so much DDD: but I was real nervous so forgive me! (I'll probably stick to written posts in the future since this one was such a disaster aaah!) 😭...
Need for Speed
Elevator speed is really important to me.