
The Pointy End

Ah, Week 12. By the end of this week, semester one's coursework will be officially over! My accounting course actually finishes up on Tuesday so I'll get a lie in Wednesday and Thursday - hurrah! However, I can't celebrate too soon; there's still exams to be sat....

Test? Test… TEST! asfgdfjhdlkjghdjkvh. If you can’t tell by the title. I had a test this week. 😭 I had one last week too, but let’s just say they ended … very differently… 😭 But, more about that later. I’m going to take a stab in the dark here and assume...

Lessons & Lanterns

It's now week 4 of classes, and things are starting to get busier! The first few weeks were by no means void of work, with things like weekly quizzes and readings, but now we've actually learned some content, the first wave of assignments is starting to arrive. A...

Fish lantern