Campus Life
A Brief History of The Clock Tower
Today the Clock Tower is central to the university campus’ identity. Amid more modern buildings, like OGGB’s sleek glass atrium, or the engineering building's functional, futuristic model, the Clock Tower stands out for its Gothic spires rising out of a mass of...
Up, down, and around: learnings from the first year
Some little things I’ve picked up over my first year in a Computer Science / Communication conjoint. It's not quite wise philosophical life advice, but it's advice nonetheless.
The End of This Chapter
I've just finished my degree! Final assignment is submitted!!! Now, it's time to reflect.
Managing Assignments
A guide on writing HUGE essays without getting too stressed.
Being Queer at University
Coming into university as a member of the LGBT community can be terrifying. For some, this is the space where they first come out to people. For those already out, they’ll be meeting new people from around the country. As someone who is openly bisexual, my...
Your Guide to O Week (17 Year Old Edition)
Do you remember those kids in primary school who were on the ‘cusp'?; born in the May-July bracket they skipped a year in primary and became the babies of the cohort? Well, I was one of those kids. Like many others born in 2003, last year I started university when...
A day in the life of a UoA science student trying to save money
Let’s face it - life is expensive. And to make things worse, the cost of living and prices everywhere have gone up. Being a uni student doesn’t make things any easier, either - so here’s what a day in the life of me, a second year science student, looks like while...
UoA City Campus Tour. Vlog
Come and tour the University of Auckland's City Campus!
The other side at the Open Day
Last weekend, at Open Day, I stood at the Bachelor of Communication stall and got to talk to a bunch of you! Let's see what that's like, with a lot of photos along the way.
Should You Get A Tablet For Uni?
You might have seen your friends and course-mates use their tablets in class. The convenient pen colour switching, the copy-paste feature and the simple task of looking up the relevant pages for the lectures. But tablets come with a high price tag, so should you...
How to get socially involved at uni (advice/ramblings from an introvert new to NZ)
New to uni, or starting soon next year? Want to hear how to make the most of your first few weeks, especially on the social side of things? You've come to the right place! Here, I'll share a bit about my experiences moving from Canada to NZ and how I was able to make friends in my first month of university.
7 pictures from my 7 most memorable days at UoA (First Year Edition)
I have yet to experience a crazier time in my life than first year uni. The fresher experience is hectic to say the least and expressing that time coherently is a difficult task. But as the saying goes, a picture speaks a thousand words, so I thought what better...
What You Can Do At University
When we apply for uni, we all have that image that we’re going to be learning things we really care about from environmental sciences, business management, media and communication, law, etc. But since starting uni, I’ve learnt there is so much more we can do rather...
So many options and so little time…
UoA offers so many options for study - it can be so overwhelming to choose! These are my top tips for getting a better idea of what you want to study.
Grafton Hall – A glimpse into life across the bridge
Grafton Hall is a mystery to most, hidden away in the suburbs, it's hard to find unless you know where to look. But, in my unbiased opinion, moving there will be a decision you make and won’t regret. So, without any more fluff, let me offer you a glimpse into life across the bridge!