Campus Life
A day in the life of a UOA student. Vlog
Hi, welcome to a day in my life as a first-year commerce student living in halls. Hope you enjoy this sneak peek of what a day looks like and feel free to leave any comments or questions down below! https://youtu.be/nJTZ17IZuwE
Autobots, Roll Out (and other sentimentalities). Vlog
Lucky last, from Tate.
Resources to Make Use Of
Once you become a student at UoA, you’ll find you get access to many new things. They come with hyperlinks hidden inside websites, newsletters, and emails; pamphlets are sometimes thrust into your hands, bullet points… often information overload. I’ve ended up...
Looking to the Future
I’m more than half-way through my degree now and one thing is for certain; employment is around the corner. I know I want to work for a masters degree in media and communication, but once that’s over, I want to work within the world of advertising and marketing and...
2021: Best Bits for a 2nd Year BA/LLB Student
Kia ora! Even though we're still in lockdown, level 2 isn't too far and hopefully next year campus will be reopening. This is a little, much more aesthetic compilation of what life looks like for a 2nd year BA/LLB student living in student accommodation - a visual...
Support available for dyslexia and other learning disabilities at UoA. Vlog
Hey everyone, Here is a video I have been planning on creating for a while for you. My main purpose is to encourage anyone who needs extra support to not feel ashamed and to go and apply for it. The thing with being at university is if you want help, you need to...
Top 5 tips for starting university! Vlog
Hey guys, So it's October which means it may not be too long till you start studying at The University of Auckland. I remember this was a time full of nerves and excitement. I have compiled the top 5 things I wish I knew when starting uni in the video below for...
Clubs are your answers to everything
My obsession with clubs A lot of parts of high school really sucked. For me, one of the things that made it more tolerable was the existence of clubs and I’m sure that was the case for some of you guys too. I’ll be honest, I did join some clubs just so my school...
Staying healthy on campus with ‘Better Kai’
Healthy eating. We all know it is important. We’ve always been told to eat our 5+ servings of fruit and vegetables, choose wholegrains, eat less saturated fat, cut back on sodium and sugar…simple. Right? Actually, not really! Because despite knowing this and...
One Semester’s Worth Of Learning
The first semester is over (whoo!!), and now we are wading into the second semester. University life certainly is different from anything I've ever experienced before; it's hectic, stressful, and so exciting. I have personally found University to be a platform of...
Exam Day. Vlog
Hey there, So I thought it could be useful for you to see what it is like the day of an exam at university, so you know what to expect. In this vlog, I show my day and how I get ready to sit my marketing exam. I am also dyslexic, and that is why you will see in...
A Day In The Life – BA Student. Vlog
Enjoy a day in the life of a Gender Studies and Communicaton BA student.
What to expect in First Year’s First Semester (BIOMED edition)
Hello there! I hope you didn’t mind me losing track of how fast time flew by, but here I am again, at the end of semester one. I felt it would only be right to pop on here and share my semester one experience with you! This is mainly for anyone interested in...
What it’s Like Getting Sick in University. Vlog
Getting sick is never fun. The experience of getting sick in university is very different to getting sick at home. You still got to cook. You'll miss classes and will need to catch up. You'll need to email the right people. Fortunately, I got sick at a time period...
Why I Love the Faculty of Arts
BA student, Tomoki Vincent talks about why he loves what he is studying.