Campus Life

Phase 2

Hi! I wrote for the Inside Word last year and my goodness, it’s great to be back! I am going into my second year here at UoA and initially, I had some mixed feelings about being back; a few of my closest friends either transferred elsewhere or left uni completely,...

Keeping Life Easy

After almost a year at uni, I've come up with some strategies for making my life a bit easier and less stressful, hopefully you'll be able to find them helpful too. 1. Have a go-to spot I think this is probably the most important thing; you can easily waste so much...

A Day in the Life

If you've been wondering what an average day actually looks like for a university student, then this is the post for you! 7am Time to wake up – I could definitely get up later but I like to take my mornings slow. One of my friends literally gets up at 8:40 and...