Balancing the Best of Both Worlds
What a busy few weeks it has been! I have completed my first round of assignments / tests for each course within a month of being at university! It definitely has been stressful, but assessments shouldn't always be full of stress right?! Will definitely have to...
Staying in Halls (O’RORKE!)
As I write this week’s blog, it is currently inter-semester break (already!) and I have been home in good ol’ New Plymouth for almost a week! Although it has been so nice to be home to spend some much needed time with family and friends, this week has given me some...
Facing and Conquering Homesickness
Uni is a big deal in more ways than one. Having to cultivate a new group of friends, get used to how large the lecture theatres are, and ultimately, adapt to a brand-new academic environment. For many of us, it’s not necessarily just a new city but also a whole new...
First Week Impressions?! (So far so good!)
Hey guys! As my bio says, I'm an Education (primary) student, located here at the Epsom campus! Oh but don't worry, I'll be at City campus too... doing my good ol' Psychology 109 General Education paper. Epsom, which is where I'm studying is a wee~ bit...
Opening a New Book
Heya! Sophie from O’Rorke here and as I write this, we have already reached the end of O Week *gasp!* Almost from the get go, Auckland has offered so many exciting new exploring opportunities! Coming from the small (but pretty!) city of New Plymouth in Taranaki,...
Thoughts ????????
Lately, I've been reminiscing a lot about home and the people I've left behind. One memory in particular that I seem to keep going back to is when my mom took my sister and I to New York City to watch Aladdin on Broadway. It's my favorite Disney movie, you see....
Light Up My World
It’s that time of the semester again where I begin missing home. Maybe it’s the fact that finals are fast approaching, in a couple weeks, and I feel overwhelmed with the amount of information I still have to go over. Whatever it is, I couldn’t let myself stay...
Taking Advantage of Opportunities!
I'm a big advocate for taking part in extracurriculars and branching out from the humdrum that is Uni-life. Going to town every weekend and lectures every weekday can get so tiresome, once you've fallen into a routine that only consists of these two. So, here's my...
A Trip to the Hospital
What’s worse than the knowledge that mid-semester tests are in a week? Knowing that you can’t take them because you’re STUCK in the HOSPITAL. Don’t worry guys, it’s not me whose being forced to don a flimsy gown and remain bedridden, but my lovely friend. She’s got...
And before you know it, it’s over.
This year has finally come to an end. I have a couple more exams left and then I will be officially finished with my first year. Writing this post gave me a chance to look back on my first year of university. I got to thinking about how if I had known that this...
Why I Chose Social Work
I am currently surrounded by what seems like a sea of assignments and surviving off of the caffeine running through my veins. It has not been an easy week to say the least. There will be times where you'll be so overwhelmed with assignments,...
Lighting the Way to Second Semester!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WRDuIQDzsk Before I left for my second semester, my lovely mother wrote me a poem in our native language, Telugu. Each line consisted of life advice she thought I ought to keep in mind. It's the very first line, though, that...
Four Weeks of Bliss
They say home is where the heart is. I can't help but agree as I think about all that I've done these past few weeks of break. Blueberry Picking My mom took my twin sister and I blueberry picking and it was honestly the highlight of my day. I loved spending time...
Home of the Free!
An array of colors splatter across the night sky. Oohs and aahs filter through the air amidst the sporadic booms. In the middle of all this noise I sit, surrounded by my friends, whom I haven’t seen in over four months. Only one sentence replays over and over in my...
Finals Preparation (!!!)
I’m currently sitting in front of my gate at Shanghai International Airport, waiting to board my 15-hour flight to New York City. With five hours to go until my plane arrives, what better opportunity than now to reminisce about the last month of exam preparation...