Jump from first to second year
Hello hello! It’s ‘9:33 pm Cecilia’ here, doing some editing! I wrote the majority of this blog at 9:30 in the morning after getting 6 hours of sleep, so it’s safe to say my mood has improved considerably from this morning (that endorphin hit from getting a bit of...
Engineering Camp!
I know, I know, from the title, you might be thinking: engineers in kayaks, 19-year-old students building tents, and roasting marshmallows, fully grown dudes riding ponies. Let me assure you that it was not that kind of camp. In fact, the technical name for it was...
Conjoint Degrees: Yay or Nay Part 3.
https://youtu.be/bUu6V7ibRxc Ladies and gentleman! I present, the third and final part of this super short conjoint series! Personally, I really love my conjoint degree. Both maths/science and accounting (the only business-y course I did in high school) has always...
Conjoint degrees: Yay or Nay Part 2.
https://youtu.be/i5240eYCArY Hi guys, As promised, here is the second part of the video, the pros and cons of doing a conjoint. These were some of the personal pros and cons that I considered, some weighing more heavily on my mind than others. Of course, pros and...
Conjoint degrees: Yay or Nay?
https://youtu.be/XekTg5x5kts What is up guys! I'm back again with another cringe cringe (but hopefully helpful 🤞) vlog 😅, this time talking about conjoint degrees. I remember at the start of the year it was a personal struggle deciding whether to do a conjoint or...
Fight or Flight
Hey guys…remember me? No? </3 Well, that’s okay we can get reacquainted today! 😊 Sorry for the inactivity, I’ve been a little busy lately and as I understand, so have you? With mocks coming up and exams looming, now may be be the time you’re feeling at your...
Decisions! Choosing a specialisation/major.
It’s that time of the year again! No, not Christmas 🎄, but the time of decisions (woop) 🙌! For Year 9s to 12s, it might be choosing what subjects to take next year, Year 13s, the more important choice of what to study in University. For us first year students...
The ‘T’ word.
Little bit of inspo about time management, overcoming challenges, and just trying your best!
The Power of Humanity
It’s been a rough few weeks. Test upon test, assignment upon assignment. A pale face, unwashed hair and a permanent set of panda eyes was my new everyday look. Putting it lightly, the word happy wasn’t a word I was expecting to use for a while. …Though,...
Could this be YOU? Part 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aK34gXw3QI Hellloooo there! 1SE is back! Hope you enjoyed that little snippet of what I got up to. I know it featured quite a lot of food shots but hey, I reckon that's a pretty good representation of my life 🤫😅. As promised, here...
Test? Test… TEST!
https://youtu.be/wIskyV5yDb8 asfgdfjhdlkjghdjkvh. If you can’t tell by the title. I had a test this week. 😭 I had one last week too, but let’s just say they ended … very differently… 😭 But, more about that later. I’m going to take a stab in the dark here and assume...
More than just Math and Physics
https://youtu.be/ErnO6w4nj04 Hey Guys! I realize this vlog is kind of a mess and I moved and flew around the screen so much DDD: but I was real nervous so forgive me! (I'll probably stick to written posts in the future since this one was such a disaster aaah!) 😭...
Onwards & Upwards
This last week I finish up my exams, sort out all the stuff I need for next year (which was way more stressful than I anticipated), and start packing to head back home (across a bunch of seas to that obscure country in Southeast Asia). But before that, SURPRISE...
Specialisation Corner: Computer Systems Engineering
What do I know about Computer Systems Engineering? Honestly, not much. Most of the stuff I talk about in this section is really people's (mostly first year's) perception of the specialisation and may not actually reflect reality. There are definitely people who...
Specialisation Corner: Civil & Environmental Engineering
I apologize profusely for my lateness. Though the exam season is soon upon us and judging by the activity on this blog it’s definitely hit all of us, sadly. Do be patient as I’m sure everyone (including you I bet) is super busy studying for exams right now! As for...