Specialisation Corner: Mechatronics Engineering
I don’t have much to say that I haven’t already covered in the Mechanical Engineering post, so here’s a personal anecdote. (You can skip the next few paragraphs if you only want to look at my awesome badass robot and a Mechanical & Mechatronics course...
Specialisation Corner: SPECIAL edition
Hehe, see what I did there? This is a fairly long and boring analysis on ALL Engineering specialisations (with MATHS!), so be warned. It’s no secret there’s a lot of competition in engineering. While I don’t have any historical data (or any data at all) on the GPA...
Classroom Etiquette
One thing that’s super different between university and high school is the classroom size. Lectures for first year Engineering are huge, usually held in the largest (around 600 seats) lecture theatre available. Sometimes even that’s not enough and there are...
Specialisation Corner: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Nothing’s quite worse than realizing you’ve forgotten everything to do with electric circuits from high school despite getting straight Excellences in Physics. Who knew that 6 months without having to think about which-component-lags-the-current or what hand rule...
Specialisation Corner: Chemical and Materials Engineering
Weeee, so semester’s finally in full swing. I have a super packed calendar already and tests start cropping up next week, and every week after that so YAY! Oh, and assignments and labs GALORE. Isn’t that exciting? Of course, nothing’s more exciting than taking a...
Specialisation Corner: Software Engineering
With the long inter-semester break over, it’s time to get back into studying mode. Have to say, I can’t wait. There’s only so much time off I can handle until I start to get really bored! Some ways I alleviate this is to code silly things or read the material for...
Engineering Students Journey to Hawaii
With only 6 weeks left to go we thought we better let you know how things are going. So if you didn’t know already, The University of Auckland's Engineering Waka Ama Team is currently in training to go and compete in Hawaii at the end of August. Who are we? We are...
Specialisation Corner: Mechanical Engineering
“Darn,” I missed watching the Aerohydrodynamics Glider Competition, that would have been a good featured picture. And no, I don’t know what aerohydrodynamics is, either. Oh well, here’s a crumpled formula sheet from one my exams. I might’ve taken my anger out on it...
Seven HOLY steps to surviving group projects
Now how’s that for a click bait title? The stability of this bridge is reminiscent of how much I like group projects. They're a pretty big part of Engineering, which does make sense in a “prepares you for the real world” kind of way I guess. (insert overused truss...
Specialisation corner: Engineering Science
The month of May is over. Tests are over and done with and exams are upon us. Eek. I just got back from a Maths test and this was the formula sheet we get given. No calculators permitted. Welcome to a new series where I discuss each engineering specialisation....
May Mayhem (send help)
Hi everyone, so here’s something a little bit different…So if you’ve read my bio, I mentioned something about picking up some weird hobbies at uni. Well, this is it. Juggling isn't inherently weird, it’s just something I don’t think a lot of people do when they’re...
Clubbing Uni Style
https://youtu.be/EXFa5a_x_jo University an opportunity to broaden your education and your horizons. This week on the vlog I look at four unique clubs that the university has to offer. If you find any of these clubs intriguing and want to get involved I highly...
How to pack (your pencil case)
A pencil case is like a puppy. You bring it wherever you go, it's your best friend in an exam if you treat it right but if you don't feed it well, nothing will end well for you. I'm going to discuss the stuff I feed mine (the pencil case, not puppy) 1....
Need for Speed
Elevator speed is really important to me.