Medical & Health Sciences
7 pictures from my 7 most memorable days at UoA (First Year Edition)
I have yet to experience a crazier time in my life than first year uni. The fresher experience is hectic to say the least and expressing that time coherently is a difficult task. But as the saying goes, a picture speaks a thousand words, so I thought what better...
Resources for Entering Medical School at the University of Auckland + Goodbye. Vlog
Thanks for joining me on this journey! It has been 2 awesome years with the Inside Word. Such a pleasure. You're always welcome to contact me (@juniusong)! https://youtu.be/lSlbQOChbQM Below are some resources which you may find helpful if you intend to...
Medical School is Online – Update and Struggles. Vlog
My flatmate and I made it out of Auckland safely! All of our tests are now online. I also wanted to share some of the logistical issues we experience as uni students such as finding a flat, getting summer studentships and missing out on the opportunity to learn...
Extracurriculars in Medical School as a Preclinical Student. Vlog
We medical students try our best to get involved in multiple areas of life. Apart from our social life and medical school events, some of our extracurriculars include working/volunteering, leadership positions and keeping up with our hobbies. ...
What to expect in First Year’s First Semester (BIOMED edition)
Hello there! I hope you didn’t mind me losing track of how fast time flew by, but here I am again, at the end of semester one. I felt it would only be right to pop on here and share my semester one experience with you! This is mainly for anyone interested in...
What it’s Like Getting Sick in University. Vlog
Getting sick is never fun. The experience of getting sick in university is very different to getting sick at home. You still got to cook. You'll miss classes and will need to catch up. You'll need to email the right people. Fortunately, I got sick at a time period...
What Labs Are Like in Medical School and Biomed. Vlog
Before entering university, I had no idea what labs are. What are they like? What do you do? How are you examined? In this video, I will answer those questions. In terms of labs during Biomed, I find it helpful to use the analogy of following a recipe. Please let...
How I studied during biomed
One of the best tips I received ahead of starting biomed is that you have to hit the ground running. From the get-go, the lectures are content heavy and the first tests are looming so it is useful to have some ideas on how to study effectively from the beginning....
Biomed 2020 reflection
It's strange to think first year is already over, just like that! Now that I've made it through to the other side, I thought I would share some information and reflections that might help those planning to do biomed or health sci in 2021 or beyond. My experience...
Imposter syndrome. The feeling that you don't belong. That your achievements are undeserved. The feeling that you're a fraud. Imposter syndrome is commonly experienced by many medical students - including me. Apart from positive affirmations, separating feeling...
The things every biomedder needs… Vlog
As of 13/11/2020... I completed my first year of biomedical science and I thought I should share some of the things that got me through this wild year! Music from Reggie San Miguel - Ruby Grapefruit https://app.hellothematic.com/promo/47722/3042/378C8B3 I forgot to...
Conjoints – an update. Vlog
First Week of Medical School – Part Two. Vlog
Welcome back to the homemade documentary where medical students embark on their five-year-long journey (six if you include biomed and even longer if you completed a degree beforehand). Feel free to check out part one if you have not done so already! Again, please...
Planning on studying Engineering, Law, or Medicine…? Vlog
Hey guys, I realised that it would be much more interesting filming myself completing a puzzle, than me talking, so enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhBXD1d07YE&feature=youtu.be Disclaimer: as always, don't take my word for it, seek academic...
First Week of Medical School – Part One. Vlog
The first day medical school! What a throwback. It was definitely an experience. Much of the day was spent going through what to expect from medical school and how it all works. The highlight for us was the Whakanoa ceremony in the Human Anatomy Lab. Everyone was...