Summer Research Scholarships – the what, the why, and the how
For most programmes at the university, summer break runs from around mid November to mid February. In 2022–2023, I chose to complete a Summer Research Scholarship with the university under the faculty of medical and health sciences during summer break - and those...
A day in the life of a UoA science student trying to save money
Let’s face it - life is expensive. And to make things worse, the cost of living and prices everywhere have gone up. Being a uni student doesn’t make things any easier, either - so here’s what a day in the life of me, a second year science student, looks like while...
Securing a Scholarship
Scholarships are a great way to kick start your first year at university. Regardless of what year group you’re in, it's never too early or too late to start making a game plan.
Resources to Make Use Of
Once you become a student at UoA, you’ll find you get access to many new things. They come with hyperlinks hidden inside websites, newsletters, and emails; pamphlets are sometimes thrust into your hands, bullet points… often information overload. I’ve ended up...
Money Matters
Yes, at some point in time money will have to be spent because of university. Darn. But, it shouldn't stop you from going - there is always a way to fund your studies!
Working + Studying
Can you hold down a part time job while studying at university?
First v Second
Looking back on first year, only positives come to my mind. Whether I have blocked out the bad memories of the stress of trying to get into law, late night assignments or homesickness or the fun of living within a few metres of all my friends in a new city as a...
Homeless in the most expensive city in the world
Helloooo! Welcome to the last installment of my 'intro to exchange' videos (click here for the previous one), this one has a small bit of ranting in it (as at the time of filming the I was probably still going through the stages of grief 😂). As mentioned in the...
Finding Balance – Studying, Socialising and Working
To get the complete university experience a range of elements are present. Focusing solely on your study and grades may sound great but, in reality, it will begin to consume your life and your grades will likely suffer due to burnout. Partying and socializing with...
Trying foods from Munchy Mart!
Hi guys, So I've been off procrastinating researching what video ideas to do for you guys and I stumbled upon the instagram page 'munchyreviews' which, as the title suggests, reviews food from the famed campus convenience store, 'Munchy Mart'. I guess you could say...
Dinner for $6.97 (Exploring Tai Ping)
I know what you might be thinking, "Psh, $6.97, I can go lower.", and you definitely can at Tai Ping! If you haven't heard of it before, I'm here to introduce you to Tai Ping, an Asian supermarket on Beach Road which has prices that will knock your socks off. With...
Conjoint degrees: Yay or Nay Part 2.
https://youtu.be/i5240eYCArY Hi guys, As promised, here is the second part of the video, the pros and cons of doing a conjoint. These were some of the personal pros and cons that I considered, some weighing more heavily on my mind than others. Of course, pros and...
Coming to university is a landmark for many, where the a new stage of life begins. It’s also the time where many move away from home. For them, the transition into university is also where they gain greater independence of all kinds. Woo yass! Independence is great...
Whitaker Hall – Hall Tour Series Part 1
https://youtu.be/l3dKE9EHVo4 Hiya guys! As promised, let me introduce you guys to my pet project for the next few weeks: The Hall Tour Series! As the name implies, I will be visiting all of the first year halls of residences, filming and editing my own (amateurish)...
Let’s Talk Money
University is not a cheap life experience, whether it be the fees themselves or accommodation fees, your bank account is definitely going to take a hit. As soon as you embrace the whole “poor uni student” title and take advantage of this, your bank...