Catering Flexibility at Huia
Huia Residence is unique among the first year halls in that you have three catering options. - Fully Catered (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner provided on weekdays, Brunch/Dinner weekends) - Half Catered (Only Dinners provided, seven days) - Self Catered (Pretty...
Free Things for Students
Hi Everyone, I've compiled a quick list of all the “free things” that University of Auckland students have access to. I think it would've been more appropriate to call this post “Things that you don’t know that you’re paying for”, but I felt that was a little too...
*ABBA voice* Money, Money, Money
Tate talks scholarships, StudyLink, secondhand books, and slightly more.
I give you the rundown on how Studylink works, my thoughts on having a part-time job while at Uni, and tell you a little about how first week of the new semester went down.
Are you thinking of applying for a first-year scholarship at the University of Auckland? Unsure whether you should sit an NCEA Scholarship Exam? Tips, motivation, my story & all the inside word about Scholarships.
In and Out, In and Out
Tate emerges from the abyss and lets you know that sometimes a busy life means a clearer head.
Whirlwinds of Change and RUPI KAUR!
These past couple of weeks have been jam packed with all sorts of cool happenings, assignments and some big changes coming to my daily life. Happening No. 1: My amazing friend flew up to see me! I have been so blessed to have such incredible friends across...
Too many choices!
My mind has been swimming in numbers and maths and equations I’ve never seen before in my life these past few weeks, getting into my dreams and driving me a little bit up the wall. One thing to keep me distracted is looking at more Maths! Yay! Y’all need to know...
Bang for your buck!
They say healthy is for the wealthy and we all know with everything considered it's pretty expensive to live as a student. So this week I thought I would hunt down some places in around campus that have good hearty meals that are not only great value but filling...
When you’re feeling lost, call home
I'm not gonna lie, this past week has been a rough one. I know it's only been 2 weeks since school started and 3 weeks since O-Week (5 weeks since I left California), but I'm pretty sure I just went through my first dip. On the walls at the dorms, even on some of...