The Inside Word 2018
Balancing Study and Work as a First-year Biomedical Sciences Student
“Is it possible to work while doing first-year Biomed?” Kia ora koutou, my name is Nasywa, and one of the most common advice/suggestions I heard about doing first-year Biomedical Sciences is that studying should be your number one priority. Even as I sat down in...
The Dos and Don’ts of Hall Life
After a semester as a resident of Waiparuru Hall, personal experience and observation have taught me that the ‘dos’ are just as important as the ‘don’ts’ when it comes to day-to-day hall living. So let’s get into them! Do set an early timer for your laundry...
Dating at University ❤️
You’re now at University. Amazing. It’s an opportunity to have a good time for 3, 4, 5 years. You will come across lots of great people with similar mindsets and interests, develop lifelong friendships, and some of you will meet the love of your life, and even...
Complete guide on entering medical school at the University of Auckland
I have cut the fat and gone straight to the meat to outline all you need to know for entering medical school at the University of Auckland. Read until the end. Overview of the three entry pathways: First year Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) - BioMed First...
Hall President Chronicles
Hey everyone, Kerryn back for another blog post! As the semester draws to an end, I’d like to chronicle my experience campaigning for Hall President at Waipārūrū Hall. I must say, it was a rollercoaster of a ride and… anyway, no more spoilers! July 2022 It all...
Check out my Carlaw Park Stanley move in vlog!
Burnout and stress at uni
It’s that time of the semester again. Currently, classes have ended for the semester. It’s a relief to finally be done – but there are still exams looming in the not-too-far future, and lab reports are still due. For me, this semester has been one that has...
The answer to having it all figured out: you don’t
I thought this would be a fitting first blog – to introduce myself to those who clicked in wondering what I’m on about. No matter who you are or where you are in life right now, if you resonate at any level with the title of this blog post, then read on. If you...
An RA’s Guide to First Year Halls
Find your fit with Tim, your local, not-so local student and Resident Advisor at Waipārūrū! Get a gist of the vibes at each hall and see where you might like to live when you arrive.
Biomedical Science: First-year Expectations vs. Reality
Kia Ora everyone, My name is Nasywa, and I am a first-year BSc majoring in Biomedical science student at the Waipapa Taumata Rau (The University of Auckland), taking the pre-med route with the initial hope of getting into clinical in my second year. In this blog,...
Getting sick/injured as a student during clinical placements
I got a brain injury. Happened on a Thursday night. Got sent to the ED and was told that I have a concussion and needed to take time off ‘work’, or in my case, time off on hospital placements. As soon as I start using my brain, it hurts. Unlike a common cold, it’s...
Away from Familiarity and Into University: a message to school leavers and fellow first-years
An open letter to incoming school leavers (and first-years) detailing my thoughts on *my* first year so far as well as tips for yours!
Summer Research Scholarships – the what, the why, and the how
For most programmes at the university, summer break runs from around mid November to mid February. In 2022–2023, I chose to complete a Summer Research Scholarship with the university under the faculty of medical and health sciences during summer break - and those...
Keep Cool, Calm, and Creative with Tim
Read about Tim's life as a music and communications student, and why you should consider following your creative dreams!
Active relaxation as a busy medical student
Do we med students have a pulse? We often have a pressure to be all about medicine. Indeed, it is really life-consuming and it takes lots of time and work if you want to be a good Doctor. While this career is all great and mighty, we often go the extra mile to...