The Inside Word 2018

Carpe Diem

Two months in lockdown, two weeks until exams. I think it’s safe to say there have been quite a few restraints on our time, movement, and interactions for the past while. Things have changed, for sure. I think everyone has had enough time to reflect on how their...


Okay, this needs to be discussed. Self-doubt. That little demon that comes into every student’s head. No one talks about it, and I’m going to change that right now.  My self-doubt is tied to the pressure to succeed, because I always feel like there is a lot of...


It’s a funny word. But you could say its oddness is appropriate to the unique experience. As a Law student, you’ll find that a lot of your time is spent learning and listening. But at some point, you’re going to have to answer a question, and someone will ask you...

Let’s Have a Conversation

I read quite a bit over the inter-semester break, listening to podcasts and the radio too. These are all forms of conversations; opening up your mind to someone else and taking out some of its contents, holding them up to the light for the other person to see. It’s...