Biomed: The Things You Should Know (Part 3 of 3)
Just like that, we’ve come to the final article in our series! This piece rounds up the last few concepts I’d like to discuss, and also gives you a few bonus tips that I hope will address some widely held misconceptions. Sleep>>>>>everything else...
Biomed: The Things You Should Know (Part 2 of 3)
Welcome to the second instalment of things you should know before embarking on your journey through Biomed. This article delves into 4 points that I hope will leave you with a solid game plan you can build on as the year goes on. Let’s get started! Play it smart ...
Biomed: The Things You Should Know (Part 1 of 3)
This is the first in a series of 3 articles where I, a Biomed survivor, will share with you the things I wish I had known at the beginning of this year. This article centres around 3 points that I hope will help set the scene for you to enter the mystical realm of...
My First Day of Freedom as a Biomed Student
Well, I thought this day would never come...
My final thoughts on doing a BSc at UoA
It’s pretty surreal - I’ve unofficially finished my Bachelor of Science at UoA, pending my final grades coming in. It feels like yesterday that I was logging on to my first Zoom lectures, learning where everything is, and getting to grips with how things work at...
The lowdown on capstone courses
The closer you get to the end of your degree, the greater it looms – your capstone course. What's a capstone? Capstone courses are like the finishing touch on your degree – it’s a final project or course that helps bring everything you’ve learnt all together. It’s...
Balancing Study and Work as a First-year Biomedical Sciences Student
“Is it possible to work while doing first-year Biomed?” Kia ora koutou, my name is Nasywa, and one of the most common advice/suggestions I heard about doing first-year Biomedical Sciences is that studying should be your number one priority. Even as I sat down in...
Burnout and stress at uni
It’s that time of the semester again. Currently, classes have ended for the semester. It’s a relief to finally be done – but there are still exams looming in the not-too-far future, and lab reports are still due. For me, this semester has been one that has...
Biomedical Science: First-year Expectations vs. Reality
Kia Ora everyone, My name is Nasywa, and I am a first-year BSc majoring in Biomedical science student at the Waipapa Taumata Rau (The University of Auckland), taking the pre-med route with the initial hope of getting into clinical in my second year. In this blog,...
Summer Research Scholarships – the what, the why, and the how
For most programmes at the university, summer break runs from around mid November to mid February. In 2022–2023, I chose to complete a Summer Research Scholarship with the university under the faculty of medical and health sciences during summer break - and those...
Maths 199: How I Became a Hacker, Oracle and Artist
Hey readers, It's-a-me, Kerryn, writing my very first blog as one of your 2023 Content Creators! I’ve been a huge fan of the Inside Word for a long time - those life-at-University tales are just so intriguing. And now as a proud UoA student, it's time for me to...
Why psychology is a valuable major
There are many, many, many options to choose to study at UoA – and psychology is one of them. However, social media and the internet can paint polar opposite pictures of a psychology degree. While the study of the mind and our thoughts and behaviour definitely...
A day in the life of a UoA science student trying to save money
Let’s face it - life is expensive. And to make things worse, the cost of living and prices everywhere have gone up. Being a uni student doesn’t make things any easier, either - so here’s what a day in the life of me, a second year science student, looks like while...
Key highlights from my science degree
It’s that time of semester where it seems like everything is happening, all at once - assignments are due, tests are on the horizon, and there’s just so much to be done. While there’s no doubt uni is stressful, there are many positives to think about – and they...
So you’re a Computer Science student
Every class and every degree have their own unique experiences - what's it like when you're studying first year Computer Science?