So many options and so little time…
UoA offers so many options for study - it can be so overwhelming to choose! These are my top tips for getting a better idea of what you want to study.
Enrolling in courses: 3 resources to know about
I remember how exciting it was the day I was finally able to enrol in my courses. Although I don’t get much choice in my own degree, I know it can be hard to make decisions. So I hope this blog gives you some guidance. Some university jargon I will use, if you are...
What to expect in First Year’s First Semester (BIOMED edition)
Hello there! I hope you didn’t mind me losing track of how fast time flew by, but here I am again, at the end of semester one. I felt it would only be right to pop on here and share my semester one experience with you! This is mainly for anyone interested in...
The BSc in Food Science and Nutrition: How does it work?
So, you want to study a Bachelor of Science. Great choice! You’ve come across the Food Science/Nutrition specialisation. Another great choice! Now what? The first question to ask yourself is whether you want to pick the Food Science pathway or the Nutrition...
The things every biomedder needs… Vlog
As of 13/11/2020... I completed my first year of biomedical science and I thought I should share some of the things that got me through this wild year! Music from Reggie San Miguel - Ruby Grapefruit https://app.hellothematic.com/promo/47722/3042/378C8B3 I forgot to...
Conjoints – an update. Vlog
First Week of Medical School – Part Two. Vlog
Welcome back to the homemade documentary where medical students embark on their five-year-long journey (six if you include biomed and even longer if you completed a degree beforehand). Feel free to check out part one if you have not done so already! Again, please...
Planning on studying Engineering, Law, or Medicine…? Vlog
Hey guys, I realised that it would be much more interesting filming myself completing a puzzle, than me talking, so enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhBXD1d07YE&feature=youtu.be Disclaimer: as always, don't take my word for it, seek academic...
Attention All Budding Scientists!
If you're passionate about science, come and have a read about the awesome Science Scholars Programme.
The Bachelor of Science & possible majors!
With term 3 for our high school students in New Zealand well underway it got me thinking about what I was doing this time last year as a year 13 student. A few of my peers were still deciding what to study (and that is totally okay). A Science degree (aka a...
My First Conference in Medical School (Australasian Students’ Surgical Conference). Vlog
Hello! I'm Junius, a second-year medical student. During the lockdown, we had the opportunity to attend the Australasian Students' Surgical Conference (ASSC). It was completely online and did not cost us anything to attend! We listened to inspiring stories from...
Life of a Biomed student *quarantine edition*. Vlog
Its 2016 and my year 10 self is sitting at my desk unsure of many things to do with University... that's when I came across The Inside Word and I've been reading this blog since then! So here it goes 😊 Welcome! I'm Jasmine, a first year student from Auckland...
Interview with a lecturer!
Tired of hearing me talk about myself (*unanimous nods*)? Want some opinions and advice from an actual lecturer (*nodding intensifies *)? Wonder what life was like back when they were university students (*a shout erupts from the back "Get on with it!"*)? Alright,...
Med School Interview (Part 2)
Make sure you check out Part 1 first before you hear all about my experience of the pinnacle of first year biomed: the interview!
Med School Interview (Part 1)
Ever wondered how the all mysterious medical interview works? I spill all the secrets.