A Guide to Exams
Studying is one of my least favourite things to do at university, however during this wonderful time period of exams we are in, it’s a must. It is time consuming, can be boring, stressful and a source of comparison to others. I have always found that the way I...
Student course review:Fact or Fiction?
Hi everyone! This last half of the semester has gone by super fast, and I can't believe it's a month of uni, and then first year will be all over! I thought I might give you a rundown of the courses I'm taking this semester, which could be helpful for all you...
A Day in the Life of… a Biomed
https://youtu.be/qWNrbVwoVAo Here we have it- 'A Day in the Life of a Biomed' The video to answer all you ever wanted to know about how Biomed students live (kinda, but not really). Sure, this mightn't be a day that represents the entire 2018 First Year...
Course planning 101
The experience of course planning will be completely different depending on what degree you intend to take. So on one end of the spectrum you have the biomed/health sci (I am yet to figure out the difference between these two) and engineering end. That’s when the...
Auckland vs Otago- Version 1.0
If you want to study Medicine in New Zealand as a school leaver, you have two options available to you: the University of Auckland (UoA) or the University of Otago (UoO). Both require a competitive pre-med year before you have an opportunity to enter the additional...
Today was a good day
I woke up today at my semi-regular time of 2 p.m., just after lunch was served at O’Rorke. But I’m not hungry, and I don’t feel like I’ve wasted much of my day. I wake up to clear blue skies and the chirping of birds outside my window. It’s exam season, so there’s...
Starting Study: Part 2- Study Skillz
“If ya don't know what you don't know, it’s pretty hard to get to know what you should be knowing.” -Daniel Chow Say what?? Pretty much, if you don’t know exactly what you should be studying, it’ll be a battle and a half studying effectively so that you’re prepared...
Could this be YOU? Part 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aK34gXw3QI Hellloooo there! 1SE is back! Hope you enjoyed that little snippet of what I got up to. I know it featured quite a lot of food shots but hey, I reckon that's a pretty good representation of my life 🤫😅. As promised, here...
I Can’t Stress This Enough
Picture this: A crowd of hundreds waiting, you're on the wings of the stage, with instrument in hand, sheet music on the stand and heart in your mouth. It's time for composure, focus, showtime. Now this: You’re an individual, part of a pre-med cohort waiting...
Starting Study: Part 1 – University Life
Everyone learns in a different way. Therefore, everyone studies differently. In the first year of university, the skill of effective studying is acquired by many individuals because it is necessary to be able to keep on top of the workload. This personalised style...
Could this be YOU?
Hello Hello! Short time no see 🤗 It's currently the holidays and like most others, I spent some quality time with my family, met up with friends and caught up on sleep and....zzzz...zz...and you're falling asleep right now 😴 Don't leave just yet! I really didn't...
The Chronicles of Health Sci: the butter, the 🤦🏻♀️ and the tamaki campus
Hey guys! What’s up? Hope yr 13 is treating you guys well! I know during March, you’ll probably have heaps of internals and external info to learn (which tbh you’re probably just going to last minute cram in November 😬).Anyway, I was a really avid reader of the...
Chapter One.
"Let this be the first chapter of your new novel" You may have heard something along these lines before and it's an overused and corny saying, I know, but how accurate is it? When I started primary school, high school and now entering tertiary study- my first week...
This is my last. ever. blog. I wanted to tell you guys three things today so let’s get right into it? FIRST THING Apply to be part of the Science Scholars Programme next year. Science Scholars is a programme for UoA students studying any Bachelor of Science....