The Inside word 2017

Mid-year resolutions

As one of my favourite podcasters once said, I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions in the traditional sense. Nobody I've known has ever managed to stick to them. That’s not to say that goals aren’t important, they are. However, one year is way too long a...

Relocate. Relax. Recalibrate.

I can proudly say that I survived semester one. I'm not going to lie these past few months have been some of the best and worst times. Exams stretched out quite a bit in comparison to a lot of my friends so I found myself stuck studying for my remaining two exams...

Friends My exams were slightly later then my mates this semester and missed catching up with a few of my good friends from high school coming home for the holiday break. However after learning his lesson and the importance of friends, now with...

Three down, one to go.

If you were to look around the hall today, a crowd of people is not what you would find. For those unfortunate few (like yours truly) who still have exams to sit before they can actually begin their break have a huge building all to themselves. Besides the fact...


With exams wrapping up, and the holidays so close you can taste them, its hard to stop yourself from dreaming about those long care free days ahead of you. For me I don't have a lot planned except spending endless hours bingeing... TV shows that is. From Netflix to...

Fifty Percent

Fifty percent. I am halfway through my grades for semester one. All 4 of my exams are worth 50% of my final grade. That is no small sum. Thankfully and scarily I only have two more weeks of exams left and two more days to study for my first two exams (yikes). I am...

The Business End

Hey ho, Here we are, now hitting the honey flavoured crunch that comes with the end of the semester and I'm more swamped than Shrek. 3 Assignments, 4 Tests and 2 Performances to cram into the next 3 weeks. It's fair to say it's time to fire up. By this I mean I've...