The Inside word 2017

What am I doing here?

This month alone, I've probably been asked the questions "What are you doing in New Zealand?" and "Why don't you study back home?" about 50 times, so in today's post I'll give my answers.   Answer No.1 - Tuition   The obvious answer would be that it is...

How to Survive at Uni

We all know about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Y’know, that pyramid thing that has WiFi photoshopped at the bottom that shows humankind’s most desperate survival requirements. I’m only going to focus on the bottom 2 rungs - because let’s face it; you’re not gonna...


Hey Everybody! By jingoes what a couple of weeks it's been. Unfortunately I was going to make a video entitled "How To Make Friends At Uni," but I received a healthy dose of food poisoning the day of the shoot so we'll just have to leave it until next time :/ BUT...