12 ways to be a better student this semester
For the purposes of this article lets just say that being a 'good' student is in the pure academic sense of the word. There are a million ways to be a good student, but when it comes to study there are definitely a few improvements that I've found help me...
Looking ahead: Internships and finishing up
Now the title is a little misleading, for I am not in my final year of study. I am currently in my third year of University – with only a semester worth of full time study left before I decide whether I want to pursue some postgraduate qualifications or enter that...
Taking some time for yourself: My Sem one getaway
Ever since I moved to Auckland I have grown in my independence, not just from a coming of age perspective of having to do most things 'for myself', more so, doing things 'by my myself'. I am a lover of food and coffee so I began exploring what it was like to go to...
5 top tips: How to study for a hard exam/test
Last Friday I had my first law test for the semester and it was hell on earth. Okay that may be a little dramatic but still, it was 30% of my final grade (although the course does have plussage*) and I was determined to do well. We still haven't got the grades back...
Uni Hall Events 🎪
One of the main reasons to go into university accommodation in your first year is because of the fun events that are put on by the hall. Most of them are important during your first few weeks of the first semester because they help you get to know people a lot...
A reflection
I’ll be honest, I started writing this blog post in the mid-semester break of semester one, had a crisis as I couldn’t really get my point across, and then stopped. So here we are again, with a clearer mind and hopefully a more coherent post! So, we’re once again a...
Uni bucket list 🌸
There are a thousand and one things a keen new first-year can do upon arrival at university. O week is a bright and dazzling display, classes are a flurry of activity, and making new friends a daunting task that can be quickly overcome with a few jokes and a big...
Interview with exchange students! Part III
Hello Hello and welcome to the final installment of 'interview with exchange students'! If you haven't watched Part I (Friends, Differences, Uni Culture/Student Life) https://www.theinsideword.ac.nz/2019/06/interview-with-exchange-students-part-i/ If you...
Student life at UniHall Towers
There are lots of different residences to choose from in your first year. O'rorke is known to be a party hall, Whitaker is more homely because it's small and is an older building, Towers and apartments has nicer (brand new) facilities. Each hall has something...
Climate Change at UoA : A Review
I love governance and all it entails, I have seen many processes at work in different work and volunteering situations but the University's governance system has definitely fascinated me. One of the reasons why I ran for my role in AUSA as Campaign's Officer was so...
Auckland’s Top 10 Not-So-Secret Spots
So, here is my personal selection of secret…well actually not-so-secret spots in the heart of Auckland. In fact, you’d have to be living under a rock to not know about most of these spots…but because I’ve grown up far far away in the East Auckland suburbs most of my life, I’ve only discovered some during my last two years at University while living in the city. All of these spots are walkable or easily bussable/ferry-able - I’ve added the distances from the Auckland University city campus so you can see how truly close everything is!
University Hall Apartments Tour!
After eight long weeks we finally finished decorating and reorganizing our apartment! All of the details about accommodation can be found on the Uni website: https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/on-campus/accommodation/university-accommodation/catered-accommodation.html I...
First half semester – class review 😎
University is hard. It's awesome, but like, super hard. This first half of the semester has been a mixed bag, either I loved the class and turned up to every lecture, or I had a few regrets about my enrollment choices. This is a rundown of my experience with each...
Uni and a job?
A question often asked by students, particularly in their second year is, when is it a good time to get a part-time job? Will there ever be a good time to work a part-time job on top of study? I must admit I have thought long and hard about the potential impacts...
What’s in our pantry?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VdQY76FESo Welcome back! I struggle to believe that we are already six weeks back into uni! Time has once again, flown... As my flatmate, Eva, and I were sitting on the sofa in our flat in Carlaw Park Student Village last night, we...