Decisions! Choosing a specialisation/major.
It’s that time of the year again! No, not Christmas 🎄, but the time of decisions (woop) 🙌! For Year 9s to 12s, it might be choosing what subjects to take next year, Year 13s, the more important choice of what to study in University. For us first year students...
Transition to Spring
The last few weeks have been nothing but beautiful walking to campus. The pink flowers bloomed so passionately and I honestly thought that I was in Japan. They're slowly returning back to their green nature but I now know there's something to look forward to for...
Q and A 2.0
It is currently our last mid-semester break for our first year of university, and that is a really scary thought. This year has been incredible and for the year 13’s who are starting uni next year, you should get excited!! Obviously there will be things that you...
Swap & Change
It's the mid-semester break, which means we are already halfway through Semester Two (😬). That is a mildly terrifying fact, as there are only six more weeks of teaching before exams… semesters really go fast - so much faster than a term at high school. I'm down in...
The Final Hurdle
School teachers often promote uni to such a degree that it is almost as if there is nothing better that we could do with our lives, straight out of high school. I am writing this blog, because as much as I genuinely love and enjoy being at university, there are...
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Hey guys! It's me again! I thought I might share with you guys a snapshot into a week of uni! As you guys may know, the timetable between Uni and High school is really,really different. Often you may just have 2-3 classes a day, at most is probably 4. They are...
Living in Halls: Some Realities
There is still just over a month before applications close for 2019 first year accommodation - so if you haven't started yet, you have time! This week I thought I'd take the time to reflect on my experience in a first-year Hall in 2018. Since Huia isn't operating...
Coming to university is a landmark for many, where the a new stage of life begins. It’s also the time where many move away from home. For them, the transition into university is also where they gain greater independence of all kinds. Woo yass! Independence is great...
Procrastination Central
The last week of University before mid-semester break is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it means you are so close to being free to do everything you normally do, but without the guilt and stress. A curse because it tends to be the busiest week of...
Course planning 101
The experience of course planning will be completely different depending on what degree you intend to take. So on one end of the spectrum you have the biomed/health sci (I am yet to figure out the difference between these two) and engineering end. That’s when the...
Grafton Hall & Huia Hall – Hall Tour Series Part 2
Hello hellooo! Welcome back to the second installment of the Hall Tour Series. Hope you enjoyed the quick glimpse inside Whitaker Hall. I’m sorry to say that my filming skills have still not improved 😢 and the lighting was just not great 😭. However, did try my best...
University Hall Towers: Hall Tour Series Part 3.
Hi guys! Welcome back to Part 3 of the Hall Tour Series, this week I’ll be covering the much-anticipated University Hall Towers (scroll down for video)! Location 📍: 30 Whitaker Pl, Grafton, Auckland 1010 5-10 minute walk to city campus so quite close. Capacity 🏠 :...
So you want to become a blogger?
Here’s the coveted blogging review edition of the Inside Word. I thought it was most appropriate to write this blog at this time because funnily enough, after a few weeks of sort of putting blogging on the backburner and taking life as it comes, it’s become...
Queer on Campus
Starting university is probably one of the few times in your life you get the chance to have a fresh start and just be yourself. It’s also a chance to explore who you are in a safe and supportive environment. I went to a religious high school in a small...
Before I came to university in February I had a fair few preconceived ideas as to what life as a uni student living in Auckland would be like. In some respects, I was spot on right, but in others, I was quite unprepared. So! Here are a few of my thoughts on what...