The Great ℃’s offered by FMHS
As I wait for my flight back to Christchurch (which as someone very,very conscious of time means arriving 3 hours early), I think I'll write about the amazing opportunities out there in the FMHS (Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences). Here's a gorgeous view from...
What to eat? Epsom Campus ed.
So I may have complained a tad (if not a lot) about the lack of food options on campus but little did I know...Mount Eden Village is a lovely place. Filled with A LOT of restaurants and quality outlets... you'll be wondering how long it will take you to try out...
Events at Epsom!
You may think that Epsom campus misses out on all the fun stuff happening in City but there's always something to amuse us Epsom students! 🙂 No matter how small the events are, they definitely act as motivation to get out of bed early in the morning. Events!...
Q and A
We are now into semester two of our first year of University and it honestly blows my mind how fast this year has gone. I thought high school went pretty fast but that was nothing compared to this year. As much as I love the idea of being free from doing work, the...
Sem 2 and Looking to 2nd Yr
Hey guys! It's currently semester 2 (man, they weren't kidding when they said uni goes by fast) and I can't believe I've possibly just finished 1/6 of my degree!!! I thought I might mix up things, and talk about the great stuff we have uni (which has nothing to do...
Facing Reality
For many entering university for the first time, you arrive at the age of 17, 18, 19ish. You come in with many preconceptions about university, from all sources. Some of these are correct, while others are not quite accurate. Today’s blog is gonna tackle a few of...
Back We Go
One week down, just eleven more to go til the year is over! 😱 A new semester means new classes. This semester I'm taking another four classes: French 204, Stats 108, Business 102 and Economics 151. The latter three are compulsory 'core' classes for a BCom. Stats...
The Dog Days
For most of us, the move to university entails moving to a region and with it, comes moving away from the family and people that we have known and loved for years. As I have previously mentioned, this is new, it’s exciting, it’s inspiring. In fact, many of us...
New Semester New Me
Going to university is not some small change in your life that doesn’t affect you at all. It is something that can completely reshape it and will hopefully set you up for the future. It is also something that is hard to prepare for until you are actually in that...
Looking Up and Looking Down
Hello friends, the last few weeks have been quite the turbulent ones, both literally and figuratively. You may remember from my last post I talked about the importance of chilling out and taking it easy over the exam period. Now this was followed by an...
Home and Away
The end of semester break has just been and gone and over the time that I was back at home in the rural Taranaki, I came to a few realisations. After moving from England in 2012, I went to a very small, all-girls school in a rural town called Stratford in Taranaki....
Why Auckland?
Until moving to Auckland, the largest town I'd lived in had 15,000 people, the smallest… well, it was barely a village. Ever since I was little, I've dreamed of living in 'the city' so now and then when walking the streets I'll think "whoa, I'm actually here". I...
Whitaker Hall – Hall Tour Series Part 1
https://youtu.be/l3dKE9EHVo4 Hiya guys! As promised, let me introduce you guys to my pet project for the next few weeks: The Hall Tour Series! As the name implies, I will be visiting all of the first year halls of residences, filming and editing my own (amateurish)...
What even is study?
As my exam results have rolled in I begin to reminisce on all the things I did right and wrong. The study tips I saw on Facebook that I tried to use that just did not work for me and the strategies I developed myself that helped a lot. I have found that a study...
One Semester Down
It was about this time last year, when I was Year 13 at High School, that I began to think about how I couldn’t wait to leave. I felt like I had outgrown school and was ready for University. Trust me there is nothing wrong with feeling like this. A lot of year 13’s...