
GOODBYE Semester One!!

Semester break is finally here! GOODBYE SEMESTER ONE! No longer am I stressing nor staying up until 4am in the morning... those days are gone - hallelujah! The feeling of freedom feels so good; almost too good to be true. It felt like I had been trapped in exam...

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Getting Prepped for Law

Exams are HARD. Being in a competitive course like law, I knew early on that I would need to organise myself and be better prepared for tests and exams than I was when in high school; as unlike with NCEA, it is near impossible to pass a course based on assignments...

Why I Didn’t Attempt Biomed

I have never been the kind of person who knew exactly what she wanted to do for a career. As a young girl, I went through many phases such as wanting to be a teacher, a dentist, a costume designer… the most memorable being BRAIN SURGEON (which still gets brought up...