Auckland vs Otago- Version 1.0
If you want to study Medicine in New Zealand as a school leaver, you have two options available to you: the University of Auckland (UoA) or the University of Otago (UoO). Both require a competitive pre-med year before you have an opportunity to enter the additional...
GOODBYE Semester One!!
Semester break is finally here! GOODBYE SEMESTER ONE! No longer am I stressing nor staying up until 4am in the morning... those days are gone - hallelujah! The feeling of freedom feels so good; almost too good to be true. It felt like I had been trapped in exam...
End of Act One
My first semester at the University of Auckland has come to a close. A lot of things have happened in that time, most of which were good, and all of them presented opportunities for growth. The end of this semester has given me a brilliant opportunity to reflect...
The ‘T’ word.
Little bit of inspo about time management, overcoming challenges, and just trying your best!
Exam Season Support
In some ways, exam period has felt rather anticlimactic, I think that's mostly down to luck with my timetable, but I haven't felt overly stressed (this time at least). I'm now on break as Thursday evening was my last exam (yes there are night-time exams - it's...
Getting Prepped for Law
Exams are HARD. Being in a competitive course like law, I knew early on that I would need to organise myself and be better prepared for tests and exams than I was when in high school; as unlike with NCEA, it is near impossible to pass a course based on assignments...
That’s a Wrap: Semester 1
https://youtu.be/bVYrU4i2hok Hi Everyone, I’m in the throes of exams at the moment. I’ve already had Law, but I have to wait until the last few days in the exam period for my final two (Global 101 and French). Regardless, I still took a few moments to do a PMI...
UHA – The Best of Both Worlds
Hey Guys! It's me again! Soon, it'll be halls applications, which I know can be a pretty scary time. I think they open in August and close in September! (Protip: Register as soon as you can! Try not to leave it to the last minute, and even apply to make sure you...
Let’s Talk Money
University is not a cheap life experience, whether it be the fees themselves or accommodation fees, your bank account is definitely going to take a hit. As soon as you embrace the whole “poor uni student” title and take advantage of this, your bank...
Pressure, Nerves and the Fun of Exams
Going to University is all fun and games until you hit the point in the semester where things actually start to matter. That point is called exams and trust me I cannot wait to see the back of them. At High School, I was never one to stress or feel nervous for...
Today was a good day
I woke up today at my semi-regular time of 2 p.m., just after lunch was served at O’Rorke. But I’m not hungry, and I don’t feel like I’ve wasted much of my day. I wake up to clear blue skies and the chirping of birds outside my window. It’s exam season, so there’s...
The Pointy End
Ah, Week 12. By the end of this week, semester one's coursework will be officially over! My accounting course actually finishes up on Tuesday so I'll get a lie in Wednesday and Thursday - hurrah! However, I can't celebrate too soon; there's still exams to be sat....
Why I Didn’t Attempt Biomed
I have never been the kind of person who knew exactly what she wanted to do for a career. As a young girl, I went through many phases such as wanting to be a teacher, a dentist, a costume designer… the most memorable being BRAIN SURGEON (which still gets brought up...
Starting Study: Part 2- Study Skillz
“If ya don't know what you don't know, it’s pretty hard to get to know what you should be knowing.” -Daniel Chow Say what?? Pretty much, if you don’t know exactly what you should be studying, it’ll be a battle and a half studying effectively so that you’re prepared...
The Power of Humanity
It’s been a rough few weeks. Test upon test, assignment upon assignment. A pale face, unwashed hair and a permanent set of panda eyes was my new everyday look. Putting it lightly, the word happy wasn’t a word I was expecting to use for a while. …Though,...