Life, the Universe and Everything
Hi guys! I hope you've had a really great week so far, I know for a lot of us at uni, we're currently gearing up for final exams (good luck everyone!). Also here's some of the cool stuff going on in halls -> I think the best part of uni is definitely waking up...
urban vs rural
It may be obvious to some how different Auckland city is compared to the rest of New Zealand. But for me, I could never have imagined some of the differences I have experienced. The small rural town that I grew up in, called Kaikohe did not have much. With a...
A Good Couple of Weeks
As we all know, uni is a lot of work and is often quite stressful. A lot of us have found that as we creep closer and closer to exam season, we are getting more tired, constantly reading and re-reading essential materials and then collapsing mid-afternoon from...
Add a Language to your Degree
The semester is really starting to ramp up again with assignment deadlines nearing and exams just over the horizon! It's a super busy time, and you start seeing people less and less as they lock themselves away to finish that assignment that was handed out four...
Readings, Readings, Readings
https://youtu.be/jAKmAHrv3OA Hi Everyone, The video above just gives you a quick crash course on the readings we have to do at Uni. I have definitely picked papers this semester and a whole degree actually with lots of readings. In fact, I have one reading before...
Time Out
Living with your friends and being able to constantly go to their rooms to hang out is one the of the greatest things about University. You realize very quickly who ‘your people’ are and all of their quirky traits and annoying habits. However, when you...
Making a Space Home
When I first arrived in Auckland in February I took MANY photos of all the things that I brought with me, convinced that I would write an informative blog about how organised I was. I recently went back to the folder on my laptop where these photos were stored and...
Hi’s and Lo’s
Hey! It's me again! I hope you've had an incredible term break (dam I'm jealous), and are slowly going through all those internals and externals! Currently, I'm personally experiencing some highs and lows (but definitely more of the highs :)), which I thought would...
Bored? I Don’t Think So
Uni is more than just lectures, tests, then eventually getting a degree and graduating. There’s a whole lot more in between that involves socialising, experiences and an overall good time. The “halls experience” at UoA is unique as you are living in the centre of...
Catering Flexibility at Huia
Huia Residence is unique among the first year halls in that you have three catering options. - Fully Catered (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner provided on weekdays, Brunch/Dinner weekends) - Half Catered (Only Dinners provided, seven days) - Self Catered (Pretty...
Courses 101: Part 2
https://youtu.be/EEAANQsJnIU Hi Everyone, Welcome back to Part 2 of my Courses blog. In this part, I explore my French and Law courses in greater depth. Just to let you all know I'm now in the middle of a 2 week holiday called Mid-Semester Break. Again, feel...
Free Things for Students
Hi Everyone, I've compiled a quick list of all the “free things” that University of Auckland students have access to. I think it would've been more appropriate to call this post “Things that you don’t know that you’re paying for”, but I felt that was a little too...
University & High School
They say university is nothing like high school... but is it? I guess it's different but then again... it's not really? In my opinion, I just think of university as high school but bigger, with less help and more flexibility. ...
Could this be YOU? Part 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aK34gXw3QI Hellloooo there! 1SE is back! Hope you enjoyed that little snippet of what I got up to. I know it featured quite a lot of food shots but hey, I reckon that's a pretty good representation of my life 🤫😅. As promised, here...