Friendships for dummies
Now before you start calling me a dummy back, let me clarify that it’s just a reference to the ‘for dummies’ instructional books series 😂 However a better title might be ‘Friendships for dummies, from a dummy, because honestly, I don’t know what I’m talking about'....
Setting goals – Calculating what you need in an exam
Hello hello! As you can guess from the title, (even though its a bit late, or early, in the game to be calculating your grades) today I'll be sharing with you all a process that I go through before every exam period. A question I get asked a lot when I drill my...
Interview with a lecturer!
Tired of hearing me talk about myself (*unanimous nods*)? Want some opinions and advice from an actual lecturer (*nodding intensifies *)? Wonder what life was like back when they were university students (*a shout erupts from the back "Get on with it!"*)? Alright,...
10 things I miss about high school
Now you might be thinking, I thought you were supposed to sell tell me about the university experience, why are you writing about high school? Well, I thought telling you the things I miss might be a fresh way to let you see some of the differences between high...
Flat-mares, it’s like nightmares but unfortunately, you don’t wake up from them. Choosing who you want to live with in second year and beyond could be make or break for your friendship and your happiness. If you go flatting you can choose everyone, but beware that...
Expectation vs. Reality
Having been at the University of Auckland for three semesters now it’s hard to imagine life before university. I was quite nonchalant as a Year 13 students about the concept of entering university because pretty much all my friends were heading to UoA too. It was...
Med School Interview (Part 2)
Make sure you check out Part 1 first before you hear all about my experience of the pinnacle of first year biomed: the interview!
Med School Interview (Part 1)
Ever wondered how the all mysterious medical interview works? I spill all the secrets.
Finding Balance – Studying, Socialising and Working
To get the complete university experience a range of elements are present. Focusing solely on your study and grades may sound great but, in reality, it will begin to consume your life and your grades will likely suffer due to burnout. Partying and socializing with...
A Guide to Exams
Studying is one of my least favourite things to do at university, however during this wonderful time period of exams we are in, it’s a must. It is time consuming, can be boring, stressful and a source of comparison to others. I have always found that the way I...
Interview with exchange students! Part II
Welcome back to the second installment of 'Interview with exchange students!' If you missed Part I check it out here: https://www.theinsideword.ac.nz/2019/06/interview-with-exchange-students-part-i/ Without further ado: https://youtu.be/UaUmcjHO8F8 Check...
Interview with exchange students! Part I
This one's for all you incoming exchange students to the University of Auckland! I've been lucky enough to be placed into a flat with two lovely American exchange students, Jordan and Madison, and as the title suggests, I'll be grilling them for information that I...
10 things to bring to your flat.
To celebrate my 10th post of 2019 🙌, I thought I’d list 10 things that I don’t think I could function without in Carlaw. Hopefully some of these will surprise you! Clothes rack: I’ve had a clothes rack ever since my days in O’Rorke and I haven’t looked back since....
Favourites, University of Auckland edition!
Hello Hello! A bit of a light hearted post today, I’ll be sharing with you all my ‘favourite’ things, UoA edition! Favourite study spot: I’d like to say picnicking at Albert Park because that would be a great pun to start off this post. Unfortunately, my actual...
Just Another Manic Monday
[appears from under a mountain of essays and scripts and schedules, HOP card in hand]