First Week of Medical School – Part One. Vlog
The first day medical school! What a throwback. It was definitely an experience. Much of the day was spent going through what to expect from medical school and how it all works. The highlight for us was the Whakanoa ceremony in the Human Anatomy Lab. Everyone was...
These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things
Sometimes, University gets overwhelming. Don't get me wrong - I love studying, and I'm passionate about what I do, but there are times where I just feel totally swamped. At Uni, not only do you have to study, you also have to maintain your life. Now that I do my...
Let’s Talk About Empathy
If there’s one thing someone took away that would completely transform my first-year experience (apart from uni), it’s empathy. Away from home and in an unfamiliar environment, the first year is full of moments out of our comfort zone. No one knows us. We can’t...
Interview With A Teenager: Answering My Brother’s Questions About University
My younger brother is a brilliantly bright Year 12 trying to figure out what on earth he’s going to do with his life. Ah, memories! It was only four years ago that I was exactly the same as him – except that he understands algebra. With the benefit of my experience...
How To Deal With A Difficult Course
To an extent, every course is difficult. They all involve understanding new concepts and learning new skills, so there's always going to be an element of struggle. But, sometimes the learning curve feels more like Everest. Sometimes you don't click with a...
How can I prepare for first year biomed/healthsci?
The mighty transition from high school to first year biomed or health science...this was a scary thought as a year 13. I had heard stories of people 'pre studying' the semester 1 content during the summer break before university started and that made me feel...
The Tricky Questions
Talking to my year 12 sister the other day, I realized I'd forgotten how confusing it is to think about uni, plan your degree, and wrap your head around some of the terminology. I remember going online and trying to sift out the most important things I had to know....
Starting Uni 101 – Q&A. Vlog
Hey all, I hope you have been doing well. Today I thought I would make a Q&A video with some current first years for you to get an understanding of what uni is like. In this video, we also made some very delicious banana chocolate chip muffins! As always if you...
To be completely honest, on coming to university I had no clue as to what the teaching staff to student ‘relationship’ would look like – and in fact I found it a bit daunting. Coming from Year 13 where most of my classes were around ten people in size, I was...
A Tour of Carlaw Park Student Village. Vlog
Carlaw Park is a non-catered hall for students who are not school leavers. Unlike Unihall (the hall I stayed last year), food is not provided. Although I covered most of the points in this video, here are some facts that may be useful. Apartments usually consist of...
The Best Places To Study On Campus
Oh, joyous memories of studying among people, instead of inside these four walls! Nothing will help you stay focused like the perfect study spot. It can be really hard to study in your room, with all your distractions. Your brain thinks of it as the place where you...
Making Friends In Your First Year: Tips From A Recluse
I spent most of my first year staring at the giant tree that blocked all natural light from coming into my window. In short, I did not have many friends. In fact, for the first semester, I didn't have ANY. Thankfully, some wonderful people took pity on me in the...
Attention All Budding Scientists!
If you're passionate about science, come and have a read about the awesome Science Scholars Programme.