on what its really like to be a first year student at the University of Auckland
Climate Change at UoA : A Review

Climate Change at UoA : A Review

I love governance and all it entails, I have seen many processes at work in different work and volunteering situations but the University's governance system has definitely fascinated me. One of the reasons why I ran for my role in AUSA as Campaign's Officer was so I...


As a high school student and even first year university student, I always remember being curious about what the medical school course looked like – sure it would consist of mostly theory in Phase One (Years 2 – 3) and Phases Two & Three (Years 4 – 6) would involve clinical attachments at various hospitals in the upper North Island, but if you’re anything like me, you’ll crave a detailed breakdown of each part (yay for lists!). Here’s what we study in Phase One (Years 2 – 3) of Medical School.

Adulting is hard

Watch me trying to be an actual adult as I navigate my way through the city-livin’, uni-studyin’ life. And yes, you will most definitely catch me watching the Game of Thrones finale next week instead of studying for my two upcoming tests, seminar and essay 😉

First half semester – class review 😎

First half semester – class review 😎

University is hard. It's awesome, but like, super hard. This first half of the semester has been a mixed bag, either I loved the class and turned up to every lecture, or I had a few regrets about my enrollment choices. This is a rundown of my experience with each of...

Engineering Camp!

Engineering Camp!

I know, I know, from the title, you might be thinking: engineers in kayaks, 19-year-old students building tents, and roasting marshmallows, fully grown dudes riding ponies. Let me assure you that it was not that kind of camp. In fact, the technical name for it was...

The Great Return

The Great Return

“You lot are always on holidays”, “do you even get any work done”, “just wait till you are in the real world”. All statements I have heard my whole life from unfortunate souls who are in full-time employment whilst I’m living the ‘best days of my life’ in the...