Move in Day at UHA: Tips and Tricks
Moving into the halls of residence can be super stressful, especially if you are moving far away from home into a new city. For me, there was less stress involved because I’m technically only moving an hour away from home, and so far I haven’t been super...
School’s In For Summer
Tate dishes on a never-before-seen Inside Word topic: Summer School.
Our first week ever at UoA / O’week 2019
Hi guys, Alex and Bethany here! Please enjoy our first vlog ever and our very first experience here at UoA!
Eminem and Queen + Bowie (Returns and Pressure)
An old vlog and a new perspective.
Hello hello hello! After a year-long break from The Inside Word, I am back to enthral you all for another year! Literally nothing has changed since first year, except that I got my braces off and that I am now in Medical School!
25 Things About Me // Student Edition
Hello! I’m Sonna. Often found running to my lectures (even though I live 5 mins away), watching medical TV shows, burning everything in the kitchen, and doing lots of regular studying (read: procrastinating). Welcome to my first blog! Leave a comment below, and let’s kōrero!
Phase 2
Hi! I wrote for the Inside Word last year and my goodness, it’s great to be back! I am going into my second year here at UoA and initially, I had some mixed feelings about being back; a few of my closest friends either transferred elsewhere or left uni completely,...
Cue the Tears
I’ve never been that person who embraces the idea of change. I know it is inevitable, yet I actively try and avoid it. The reason I try and avoid it is because I fear the incredible times and experiences I have had will never be topped. The biggest change...
So Long, and Thanks for All the Tears
Dear Reader Well hey, we made it! I'm going to make this short and sweet, because like this year, it's been far too short and although sour at times it's mainly been a pretty sweet time. Another year gone, another year the earth has circled the sun. This year has been...
Come walk with me!
Being an Aucklander who has pretty much lived here their whole life, I’m ashamed to say that I know surprisingly little about Auckland City. Having been stuck in my room for hours on end trying (key word: trying) to study, exam time was the perfect time to start...
Cecilia’s Declassified Exam Survival Guide.
In a blink of an eye, university exams are finished, and the year is over. Every time I open social media I’m bombarded with pictures of Year 13s celebrating last day of school and graduation. It seems like just yesterday we were the ones striking silly poses in our...
How to Make Friends at Uni
You know that feeling when you walk into the classroom and you get really stressed about where to sit and who you sit next too? Well, with next to 1000 students being in the same classroom as you, the odds of not sitting next to someone are pretty much zero. So don't...
The Final Weeks
Getting this email yesterday was slightly nerves inducing. With classes yet to end and exams yet to start, the thought of having to get ready to move out was definitely towards the back of the mind. Now it's an almost pleasant distraction from the revision I should be...
Wise Words from Amy
This time next month I will be back home in Napier after completing my first year of university. I am still in shock with how fast this year has gone and questioning whether it will be possible to ever beat this year. Unfortunately for you guys, you will be/almost be...
Student course review:Fact or Fiction?
Hi everyone! This last half of the semester has gone by super fast, and I can't believe it's a month of uni, and then first year will be all over! I thought I might give you a rundown of the courses I'm taking this semester, which could be helpful for all you health...
Going back to Primary School!
I always thought that practicum was SO far ahead of me but it actually came so quick! Practicum, for us, is an opportunity for students studying teaching to go into classrooms to act as student teachers... and surely we've all seen or had one in our class during...
General Education!!
If you are a curious high school student wanting to go to the University of Auckland you probably have seen somewhere along your search the term general education. Some programmes require one Gen Ed paper, others require two. These are papers that you take outside of...
A Day in the Life of… a Biomed
Here we have it- 'A Day in the Life of a Biomed' The video to answer all you ever wanted to know about how Biomed students live (kinda, but not really). Sure, this mightn't be a day that represents the entire 2018 First Year Biomed...