Hi’s and Lo’s
Hey! It's me again! I hope you've had an incredible term break (dam I'm jealous), and are slowly going through all those internals and externals! Currently, I'm personally experiencing some highs and lows (but definitely more of the highs :)), which I thought would...
Bored? I Don’t Think So
Uni is more than just lectures, tests, then eventually getting a degree and graduating. There’s a whole lot more in between that involves socialising, experiences and an overall good time. The “halls experience” at UoA is unique as you are living in the centre of the...
Catering Flexibility at Huia
Huia Residence is unique among the first year halls in that you have three catering options. - Fully Catered (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner provided on weekdays, Brunch/Dinner weekends) - Half Catered (Only Dinners provided, seven days) - Self Catered (Pretty...
Courses 101: Part 2
Hi Everyone, Welcome back to Part 2 of my Courses blog. In this part, I explore my French and Law courses in greater depth. Just to let you all know I'm now in the middle of a 2 week holiday called Mid-Semester Break. Again, feel...
Free Things for Students
Hi Everyone, I've compiled a quick list of all the “free things” that University of Auckland students have access to. I think it would've been more appropriate to call this post “Things that you don’t know that you’re paying for”, but I felt that was a little too long...
University & High School
They say university is nothing like high school... but is it? I guess it's different but then again... it's not really? In my opinion, I just think of university as high school but bigger, with less help and more flexibility. Work-Load...
Could this be YOU? Part 2
Hellloooo there! 1SE is back! Hope you enjoyed that little snippet of what I got up to. I know it featured quite a lot of food shots but hey, I reckon that's a pretty good representation of my life 🤫😅. As promised, here is...
Is it Worth it? Uni Hall Edition
Moving from Napier up to Auckland I really had no choice other than living in a hall of residence. For those of you who have no choice or are trying to decide whether it is worth the cost of living in a first year hall, I have compiled what I find to have been the...
I Can’t Stress This Enough
Picture this: A crowd of hundreds waiting, you're on the wings of the stage, with instrument in hand, sheet music on the stand and heart in your mouth. It's time for composure, focus, showtime. Now this: You’re an individual, part of a pre-med cohort waiting outside...
Let’s Talk About Stress
I would like to preface this blog by saying that I love my degree and I love the people that I am surrounded with. But let’s just say that you learn a lot about yourself and about other people in your first 3 months at university. Before coming to university, I...
Study Spots on Campus
Just like that, the holidays are over. And with two tests coming up this week, there's no time to ease my way back into it. The only option is to dive in and start swimming. I actually had quite a good first day back, my french lecture got cancelled so all of a sudden...
Starting Study: Part 1 – University Life
Everyone learns in a different way. Therefore, everyone studies differently. In the first year of university, the skill of effective studying is acquired by many individuals because it is necessary to be able to keep on top of the workload. This personalised style of...
The 6 Week Course Review
It has currently been one whole week since I left Uni Hall for the holidays, which means it has been one whole week since I have left what I feel is a new life #newcitynewme #newyearnewme. This separation has allowed me to reflect on the past 6 weeks and the reason I...
Could this be YOU?
Hello Hello! Short time no see 🤗 It's currently the holidays and like most others, I spent some quality time with my family, met up with friends and caught up on sleep and....zzzz...zz...and you're falling asleep right now 😴 Don't leave just yet! I really didn't want...
Balancing the Best of Both Worlds
What a busy few weeks it has been! I have completed my first round of assignments / tests for each course within a month of being at university! It definitely has been stressful, but assessments shouldn't always be full of stress right?! Will definitely have to work...
Staying in Halls (O’RORKE!)
As I write this week’s blog, it is currently inter-semester break (already!) and I have been home in good ol’ New Plymouth for almost a week! Although it has been so nice to be home to spend some much needed time with family and friends, this week has given me some...
Surviving the unknown world of Uni
It has been 5 long weeks of one of the biggest changes in my life. Learning to manage a workload I never experienced at high school as well as being completely immersed in adult life. I am currently sitting in a bus, going home for the mid-semester break. I am writing...
The Easter Exodus
^ Got stuck in a tiny bit of traffic getting out of Auckland on Good Friday... (it went all the way down to the SH2 turn-off - and then some) -- Hurrah! Five weeks of classes down and now its Mid-Semester Break - two weeks of absolutely nothing. Oh wait. I have two...