Test? Test… TEST!
asfgdfjhdlkjghdjkvh. If you can’t tell by the title. I had a test this week. 😭 I had one last week too, but let’s just say they ended … very differently… 😭 But, more about that later. I’m going to take a stab in the dark here and assume...
Dedication to Organisation
One week and 3 tests are what stands between me and 2 weeks of freedom. Freedom from multiple chapters to read a night, the 8am wake ups for politics lectures and the guilt of watching Netflix when I should be studying. In order to make it through this...
To Ensure That You’re Not Lacking, Here’s What You Should Be Packing
Ok, what’s there not to like about lists? They’re neat, they keep you from stressing too much and they make you look like you’re somewhat organised. Gotta love a list. One of the most famed of all lists, perhaps second only to the shopping list, is… the packing list....
The Chronicles of Health Sci: the butter, the 🤦🏻♀️ and the tamaki campus
Hey guys! What’s up? Hope yr 13 is treating you guys well! I know during March, you’ll probably have heaps of internals and external info to learn (which tbh you’re probably just going to last minute cram in November 😬).Anyway, I was a really avid reader of the blog...
Beyond the Books
Today marks just over three weeks since my arrival in Auckland therefore three weeks since I started university. In that time, I have already read more than what I did throughout my high school years. As well as reading a whole lot more, I have also napped a whole lot...
Facing and Conquering Homesickness
Uni is a big deal in more ways than one. Having to cultivate a new group of friends, get used to how large the lecture theatres are, and ultimately, adapt to a brand-new academic environment. For many of us, it’s not necessarily just a new city but also a whole new...
Lessons & Lanterns
It's now week 4 of classes, and things are starting to get busier! The first few weeks were by no means void of work, with things like weekly quizzes and readings, but now we've actually learned some content, the first wave of assignments is starting to arrive. A...
Foooooood! the ins and outs of hall catering!
I think we can all agree if you are considering staying in the halls of residence during your first year of uni you will be intrigued as to what you will be fed. All I can say is don't expect home cooked meals cooked made with love. The food is not what you will be...
More than just Math and Physics
Hey Guys! I realize this vlog is kind of a mess and I moved and flew around the screen so much DDD: but I was real nervous so forgive me! (I'll probably stick to written posts in the future since this one was such a disaster aaah!) 😭 But...
Lost in the crowd
If I were to ask you, “Who are you?” how would you respond? If I were to ask you, “What is the mark left on this world?” what would you say? If I were to ask you, “What makes you significant?” would you be able to give me an answer? -- Let me share a little story with...
Chapter One.
"Let this be the first chapter of your new novel" You may have heard something along these lines before and it's an overused and corny saying, I know, but how accurate is it? When I started primary school, high school and now entering tertiary study- my first week of...
New Beginnings
Hey! Welcome to my first blog! If you're anything like me, you're reading this because you honestly have no idea what university life is about and are seeking answers to questions you can't even formulate. Maybe you're coming to Auckland from overseas like I did or...
Oh, what a week
The first week of uni, oh what a week it has been. Meeting new people, discovering new places and finding out about all the fun and very expensive books you need. These first days of your uni life will include some of the most memorable experiences of your life....
First Week Impressions?! (So far so good!)
Hey guys! As my bio says, I'm an Education (primary) student, located here at the Epsom campus! Oh but don't worry, I'll be at City campus too... doing my good ol' Psychology 109 General Education paper. Epsom, which is where I'm studying is a wee~ bit...
The O-Week Extravaganza
Hi Everyone, Sorry for making such a long video, but I had plenty to say about my first week at University Hall. Feel free to skip to the parts that interest you. 1:15 - Friendship 5:00 - Hall of Residence O-Week Activities...
Opening a New Book
Heya! Sophie from O’Rorke here and as I write this, we have already reached the end of O Week *gasp!* Almost from the get go, Auckland has offered so many exciting new exploring opportunities! Coming from the small (but pretty!) city of New Plymouth in Taranaki,...
The introvert’s guide to O’Week
Hellooo there! I’m Cecilia, nice to meet you 😊 (I am aware that I’m not actually meeting you... but I’m assuming it would be nice!) *looks around* Wait. Lean in a bit closer. I have a secret to tell you. … I spent about an hour trying to think of an interesting...
Let’s Do This!
*cue Lose Yourself by Eminem* Hey there! My name is Lily and I am so excited to be an Inside Word Blogger for 2018! I’m currently studying health science and staying in the beautiful UHA. My aim is to make you feel prepared about going to the University of Auckland...