The Week That Was!
A bunch of first year University students spending all of their student loan money on drinks, sleeping till noon and hiding away in their new room. This common perception couldn’t be further from my experience of the often talked about, but little understood O-Week....
Onwards & Upwards
This last week I finish up my exams, sort out all the stuff I need for next year (which was way more stressful than I anticipated), and start packing to head back home (across a bunch of seas to that obscure country in Southeast Asia). But before that, SURPRISE ROAD...
Time to say goodbye!
I am FREEEEE!!! At approximately 4:10pm yesterday I walked out of my final exam for the year. To say I am relieved would be an understatement. From here on out things are changing, in only a matter of days I will be on a plane flying back home to Wellington where I...
Autobots, Roll Out (and other sentimentalities)
Lucky last, from Tate.
Thoughts ????????
Lately, I've been reminiscing a lot about home and the people I've left behind. One memory in particular that I seem to keep going back to is when my mom took my sister and I to New York City to watch Aladdin on Broadway. It's my favorite Disney movie, you see. When I...
Light Up My World
It’s that time of the semester again where I begin missing home. Maybe it’s the fact that finals are fast approaching, in a couple weeks, and I feel overwhelmed with the amount of information I still have to go over. Whatever it is, I couldn’t let myself stay locked...
Taking Advantage of Opportunities!
I'm a big advocate for taking part in extracurriculars and branching out from the humdrum that is Uni-life. Going to town every weekend and lectures every weekday can get so tiresome, once you've fallen into a routine that only consists of these two. So, here's my...
A Trip to the Hospital
What’s worse than the knowledge that mid-semester tests are in a week? Knowing that you can’t take them because you’re STUCK in the HOSPITAL. Don’t worry guys, it’s not me whose being forced to don a flimsy gown and remain bedridden, but my lovely friend. She’s got an...
Extra-Curricular Activities Are The Jam
Top Tip of the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGQeT7j7-BU
This is my last. ever. blog. I wanted to tell you guys three things today so let’s get right into it? FIRST THING Apply to be part of the Science Scholars Programme next year. Science Scholars is a programme for UoA students studying any Bachelor of Science....
Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of a university student looks like? Today I’ll give you a glimpse into my life as first-year student. This is the real-life version: anyone who knows me knows I am never (always) late, occasionally (habitually) disorganised, and loves (detests) early mornings 😉
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
After finishing my final Law exam for the year I am stuffed, hence the title and anyone who sat that exam will resonate with it so heavily. I still have three exams to go so the grind has not come to an end just yet but the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight....
And before you know it, it’s over.
This year has finally come to an end. I have a couple more exams left and then I will be officially finished with my first year. Writing this post gave me a chance to look back on my first year of university. I got to thinking about how if I had known that this year...
Specialisation Corner: Computer Systems Engineering
What do I know about Computer Systems Engineering? Honestly, not much. Most of the stuff I talk about in this section is really people's (mostly first year's) perception of the specialisation and may not actually reflect reality. There are definitely people who have...
THROWBACK: The Blues Awards 2017
Tate has a wee look back on one of the coolest things she has got to do this year, as a blogger for The Inside Word.
[cue the Legally Blonde “Watch Me Shine” montage]
Tate’s got some (more) study tips to help you out with First Year Law!
Answering the big question, why?
In this I answer the many 'why' questions in regards to why I chose to do things and end up in this position. I hope to use this in order to help anyone looking to study and live in Auckland in future. So why? Why Auckland? Why Law, Politics and French? Why University...
Specialisation Corner: Civil & Environmental Engineering
I apologize profusely for my lateness. Though the exam season is soon upon us and judging by the activity on this blog it’s definitely hit all of us, sadly. Do be patient as I’m sure everyone (including you I bet) is super busy studying for exams right now! As for me,...