on what its really like to be a first year student at the University of Auckland
Thinking over or over thinking?

Thinking over or over thinking?

Alas I am on vacation, in Paris of all places in fact. Seeing the historic sights that you see and learn about at school. Eating amazing food and experiences new things. It has also meant a time to completely remove myself from the Uni scene, from the day to day life...

1 Week Till Hawaii

FINALLY MADE 30KM     Our team has started to dial down trainings as we get closer to Hawaii, however over the last couple of Saturday trainings our team was finally able to meet our goal by reaching 30km at training. As you can see the weather hasn’t been...

2 Weeks Till Hawaii

2 Weeks Till Hawaii

GYM TRAINING To make sure our team is performing at the best of our ability, the university has provided us with free gym memberships, as well as our own personal trainer. Each of us met with the PT individually and completed a basic fitness test, and from this our PT...

Loving and learning – Pre-Med Style

Loving and learning – Pre-Med Style

What an amazingly corny blog title - ammiright? Blog gold at its best. As revealed so beautifully in the heading, today I thought I’d switch it up a bit and introduce the french to my fry, the chicken to my nugget, my Biomed compadre… Jakob! Jakob and I are both...

Living in a hall

Living in a hall

I always imagined that living in a hall would be like how the movies were. I thought making friends would be instantaneous and everyone would be super social and friendly. Obviously, I was being very idealistic. The reality is hall life isn’t always easy.

3 Weeks Till Hawaii

On Water Training After The Great Waka Ama race finished our team had a break from trainings for about a week, then we got back into it starting with two on water trainings a week, one on Monday nights after uni and the other on Saturday mornings. Then in May we...

Everything is happening!

Everything is happening!

Where did that time go! Honestly cannot believe that we are already in the third week of uni. Once this month is over we are on another break and then it's THE FINAL COUNTDOWN *DUN DUN DUNNNNNN*. So much is going on and it's crazy! Everything is moving at such a fast...

4 Weeks To Go

4 Weeks To Go

What To Expect in Hawaii Our team will be doing the following 3 races while in Hawaii; Race 1 - Hulakai OC4 8 Person Relay When:  Thursday 31st of August Race details:  This race is a sprint where relay teams of 8 race in a 4 man canoe. Each team races the...

NZ Uni vs USA College ?!

NZ Uni vs USA College ?!

Have you ever wondered how your life would’ve turned out if you hadn’t made a certain decision? Where would you be? Who would you be? Choosing where to go for University, at least for me, was one of those decisions. I struggled between staying in America, and majoring...