*ABBA voice* Money, Money, Money
Tate talks scholarships, StudyLink, secondhand books, and slightly more.
I give you the rundown on how Studylink works, my thoughts on having a part-time job while at Uni, and tell you a little about how first week of the new semester went down.
Swimming in a Pool of Pity
Today marks the first week of semester two complete. Me llamo Eunice. Soy americano, soy de California. Vivo en Nueva Zelanda. For my general ed class I decided to take Spanish 104G which is beginners Spanish. Or so I thought. The textbook and workbook...
A Uni Musical
For probably just about all of us Disney movies have been a stalwart through a large part of our lives. So its natural that after six months at university some of those theme songs that permanently live in the recesses of our brains began to resonate quite strongly....
Specialisation Corner: Software Engineering
With the long inter-semester break over, it’s time to get back into studying mode. Have to say, I can’t wait. There’s only so much time off I can handle until I start to get really bored! Some ways I alleviate this is to code silly things or read the material for next...
3 Ways Uni Is Not Like High School
You’re nearly made it to the end of your high school years so before you get here, I’d like to share with you: Three ways University is not like High School. How do you meet new people? How on earth do you manage all this extra time? How hard is it to get an E in NCEA vs an A+ at Uni?
Recovered. Reenergised. Ready!
Following from my last blog Relocate. Relax. Recalibrate I can report that SEMESTER TWO has begun!!! Strange. Feels so weird to think that we are already so far through the year but there are exciting times ahead. Reflecting on my holiday I can say that it was a break...
Engineering Students Journey to Hawaii
With only 6 weeks left to go we thought we better let you know how things are going. So if you didn’t know already, The University of Auckland's Engineering Waka Ama Team is currently in training to go and compete in Hawaii at the end of August. Who are we? We are the...
Are you thinking of applying for a first-year scholarship at the University of Auckland? Unsure whether you should sit an NCEA Scholarship Exam? Tips, motivation, my story & all the inside word about Scholarships.
Mid-year resolutions
As one of my favourite podcasters once said, I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions in the traditional sense. Nobody I've known has ever managed to stick to them. That’s not to say that goals aren’t important, they are. However, one year is way too long a timeframe...
Tate gives you the rundown on the three arts papers she took this semester: Classics 110, European 100, and Art History 109.
Relocate. Relax. Recalibrate.
I can proudly say that I survived semester one. I'm not going to lie these past few months have been some of the best and worst times. Exams stretched out quite a bit in comparison to a lot of my friends so I found myself stuck studying for my remaining two exams...
Food, Friends, Family, and Fitness
In which Tate discusses the developments that have occurred since last she wrote.
My exams were slightly later then my mates this semester and missed catching up with a few of my good friends from high school coming home for the holiday break. However after learning his lesson and the importance of friends, now with...
Just take a Chill-Pill
Just take a Chill-Pill - simple, but great words of advice my Mum gives me every time I turn into a big, fat ball of stress - which is a frequent occurrence for someone like me, who’s biggest driver of study and work, is stress. I don’t think I can count the amount of...
You live and you learn
I've finished my last exam and man, does it it feel sooo good. Those two weeks full of exams were a whirlwind and yet it felt like they would never end. Semester one as a whole, literally flew right past me. I'm 1/8 done with my degree, however, I'm supposedly not...
Specialisation Corner: Mechanical Engineering
“Darn,” I missed watching the Aerohydrodynamics Glider Competition, that would have been a good featured picture. And no, I don’t know what aerohydrodynamics is, either. Oh well, here’s a crumpled formula sheet from one my exams. I might’ve taken my anger out on it at...
Three down, one to go.
If you were to look around the hall today, a crowd of people is not what you would find. For those unfortunate few (like yours truly) who still have exams to sit before they can actually begin their break have a huge building all to themselves. Besides the fact that...