on what its really like to be a first year student at the University of Auckland


With exams wrapping up, and the holidays so close you can taste them, its hard to stop yourself from dreaming about those long care free days ahead of you. For me I don't have a lot planned except spending endless hours bingeing... TV shows that is. From Netflix to...

Fifty Percent

Fifty Percent

Fifty percent. I am halfway through my grades for semester one. All 4 of my exams are worth 50% of my final grade. That is no small sum. Thankfully and scarily I only have two more weeks of exams left and two more days to study for my first two exams (yikes). I am...

The Business End

Hey ho, Here we are, now hitting the honey flavoured crunch that comes with the end of the semester and I'm more swamped than Shrek. 3 Assignments, 4 Tests and 2 Performances to cram into the next 3 weeks. It's fair to say it's time to fire up. By this I mean I've...

Exams, treks and treats.

Exams, treks and treats.

Two weeks. Two weeks of lectures and we're done for the semester. Only thing that remains is (besides my French test on Wednesday) exams *Crowd gasps*. It would be an understatement to say that I was freaking out. Exams in college were stressful, having to recall a...

STRESS LESS (Easier said than done)

STRESS LESS (Easier said than done)

Hi guys! I’m back for tips & snips round 2. There’s no doubt a giant cloud of stress (maybe even a thunderstorm) hanging over our heads this past few days. For biomedders, our last mid-semester test was on Friday (yay), but our first exam is less than 3 weeks away (eek). The semester has flown by so quick – turns out our last labs and tutorials are this week!

Expect The Un-Expected

Expect The Un-Expected

Last week I expected the norm... and definitely didn't get it. It all started two Friday's ago when I expected to play another regular game of basketball for the inter-faculty team and like any ordinary game I prepared myself to play like an NBA All-star and take no...

The Five Year Plan

The Five Year Plan

I have three very big assignments due within the next week and a half, but unfortunately I caught a serious case of procrastination. While I was staring into space (when I should've been starting on my assignments) I thought about how the schedule I wrote in my diary...