May Mayhem (send help)
Hi everyone, so here’s something a little bit different…So if you’ve read my bio, I mentioned something about picking up some weird hobbies at uni. Well, this is it. Juggling isn't inherently weird, it’s just something I don’t think a lot of people do when they’re...
May: The month of Kindness
Forgive the cringe worthy title but in all the busyness and stress that Uni has brought back into my life after only two weeks of being back, I wanted to celebrate a particular point of my accommodation life. The coolest thing about living in a university halls of...
(List)en Up!
Let me preface this by saying, these tricks are just things that work for ME. They are, by no means, the ONLY way to do things in University to succeed. But hopefully, having some insight into how a peer manages their things will give you inspiration to do something...
WELCOME TO THE START OF A SERIES CALLED TIPS&SNIPS. The first part of my upcoming blogs will include tips and stuff I would’ve personally loved to know when I was in high school and the second part of my upcoming blogs will focus on snippets of my life right now. Today…I will be answering one of the most philosophical questions ever asked: BIOMED OR HEALTH SCI?
Clubbing Uni Style
University an opportunity to broaden your education and your horizons. This week on the vlog I look at four unique clubs that the university has to offer. If you find any of these clubs intriguing and want to get involved I highly...
Results and Reflection
Tate talks about results: waiting for them, getting them, breathing like a normal human being – the works.
Back In Black
Hello to all, How were my holidays? Fantastic. Great to go back and spend some time with my family who are wilder than the weekend's old haircut. Not much to report on, have come back to Uni with the same routine happening. Music meant that I had to write two songs in...
How to pack (your pencil case)
A pencil case is like a puppy. You bring it wherever you go, it's your best friend in an exam if you treat it right but if you don't feed it well, nothing will end well for you. I'm going to discuss the stuff I feed mine (the pencil case, not puppy) 1. Calculator(s)...
The infamous gap year.
Let's talk about the infamous gap year. I'm realising that college students are almost halfway through the school year which means the pressure is on. If you're in your final year of college you've already started thinking about the options you have for next year....
Top Koala-ty Vlog!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL_VGjPaJM8 Disclaimer: There are no koalas in this video but I really needed a pun for my title Some people bring back keychains or magnets when they return from a trip. Me? I brought back a piece of myself. It’s mesmerizing. When I...
Two weeks of holiday and I am done…
I am going to start my blog with a very important tip. Mid Semester break does not mean entirely that you are free from the responsibilities of Uni, so STUDY. I'm looking down the barrel of two tests and a couple of assignments needing to be done and I am all of a...
I’m currently on mid-semester break (not really a break when you have 3 tests right after though…). Hope y’all are enjoying your term holidays more than me!
Cooking for One
The mid semester break is finally here! Time flew by for me and these two weeks are going by even faster. Huia Hall is super empty from everyone returning home, and I'm not sure if I like it or not. Today I'm going to talk about cooking for one. At Huia Hall you have...
Chasing Stars
"Star light. Star bright. The first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." These are the words I murmured at 4 in the morning, on a deserted street, with two of my friends beside me. My eyes were shut so tight as I made my...
“Break”? What a concept.
When mid semester break doesn’t necessarily mean downtime.
Askin’ all them questions!
Hey guys, I have revived once again! Sadly however, I have not come back with a vlog! Due to technical difficulties i.e me being absolutely horrible at using iMovies, I was unable to produce some vloggy goodness. However, I am still going to answer the questions I was...
Too many choices!
My mind has been swimming in numbers and maths and equations I’ve never seen before in my life these past few weeks, getting into my dreams and driving me a little bit up the wall. One thing to keep me distracted is looking at more Maths! Yay! Y’all need to know this:...
So, on Monday…I had my very first test of the year. While it wasn’t worth that much, there was an extra aura of heaviness around because not only was it the first test of the year, it was also probably everyone’s first university test ever. So, here’s some handy tips for your first test!